In-Game Name: Big Jayne
Steam Name: big adam
Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): 7/3/2023
What happened: In a raid and staff used invis to see where I was and other admin commands.
What do you need refunded: 1x HK Mp7, 1 lockpick, 2 zipties, kevlar and...
Your Steam Name: big adam
Your Steam ID: 76561198981591734
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Big Jayne
Admin being reported( Tag by writing @ before their forum name) @IXDarknessXI
Reason for Report: Metagame, Abuse of admin powers (repairing car before a fight, esping through walls to see...
In-Game Name: big jayne
Steam Name: big adam
Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): 7/1/2023
What happened: I died at the event alot and had to pay 2k in death bills and 3-4k in kevlar and m4s to play the event
What do you need refunded:150-200k not sure how...
Also i would like to add that if u dont decide to unblacklist me pls reconsider the time of the blacklist because getting around on paralake and monoford is very hard to do without a vehicle because the maps are so big.
Your Steam Name:big adam
Your SteamID:76561198981591734
Your Character Name: big jayne
Which Staff blacklisted you: Hatchet Tazz
What were you blacklisted from: Tow Truck driving, vehicles, and Tow Truck manager
Blacklist Length: 1 week
Blacklist Reason: Repoing a thought to be criminals car...
Steam Name: big adam
Your SteamID:76561198981591734
Your Discord-Tag: big adam#1104
Ban Length:I dunno
Ban Reason: I think because I said #firebottledman but I wasn't too sure because I wasn't aware of a presense of a moderator or admin to warn me about what I was saying was wrong, I just got...
In-Game Name:Sally Jayne
Steam Name:adam
Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): 2:22 PM EST
What happened:
I was in a cell and had to go do something so I logged out while in a cell, I came back falsely auto-banned by console, and an hour later was unbanned by...
Name: Sally Jayne
SteamID: 76561198981591734
Preferences of Opponent: John Pancreas, Yeezy, and any member of their org, if they're man enough to face me.
Pro 2x Boxing/MMA/Wrestling World Champion and 3x Olympic Gold medalist
In FaZe irl and a pro video gamer
"I'm gonna fold you like an omlette."
Clip 1: Middle of the Road when i was trying to park
Clip 2: That clip is bullshit. You shot at my friend and I threw your body in the lake.
Clip 3: Thats the clip where u shot my friend.
Clip 4: That wasn't even me that was Kevin when he was PD raiding, ergo that was not rdm. Look at me Sally...
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