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  1. Lola Meid

    Lola is Abusive Staff Member

    1. I have warned you multiple times to stop climbing on top of the prop, yet you failed to do so. I moved and frozen you somewhere behind me because I was dealing with RP and you are not worth interrupting it. So you had to wait a couple minutes. 2. You were holding your gun out and I said at...
  2. Lola Meid

    INFO Monolith RP Staff

    @Broheim has decided to step down as he cannot be around much anymore. He will try and return in the summer, so we will be waiting!
  3. Lola Meid

    INFO Monolith RP Staff

    @Green Gatorade Water Bottle @gm1003 @Whathe12 are off trial. @Quantum @Predictable promoted to admin. More will follow soon x
  4. Lola Meid

    INFO Monolith RP Staff

    @pea has resigned. Thanks for your work
  5. Lola Meid

    I did not fall once, but my friend did.. nothing severe tho

    I did not fall once, but my friend did.. nothing severe tho
  6. Lola Meid

    Second chance

    Under review. If I recall you had some involvement with Ganjourn or whatever his name was, so I believe you have been spreading the exploit. Nevertheless, you knew about the situation and you never reported it and used it yourself (Ganjourn got banned days before you) So yea, under review.
  7. Lola Meid

    gonna go iceskating today.. bruises here I come

    gonna go iceskating today.. bruises here I come
  8. Lola Meid

    My resignation/goodbye.

    Shame to see you go. Good luck on your life and see you maybe later!
  9. Lola Meid

    gefeliciteerd sinasappel !!

    gefeliciteerd sinasappel !!
  10. Lola Meid

    INFO Monolith RP Staff

    @Swift is now off trial ~
  11. Lola Meid

    INFO Monolith RP Staff

    @Hazza has decided to step down from his position as senior administrator. He will be working now as an administrator. He has been a senior administrator for a looong while and we are thankful for all the hard work! He will still remain as admin on the server.
  12. Lola Meid

    Guess censoring it is... (its all a joke, you can have your opinion)

    Guess censoring it is... (its all a joke, you can have your opinion)
  13. Lola Meid

    @PMX :eyes:

    @PMX :eyes:
  14. Lola Meid

    Hmm.. You see I can understand as you have not been around when I was an SD but I think you may...

    Hmm.. You see I can understand as you have not been around when I was an SD but I think you may have to rephrase that to avoid...censoring
  15. Lola Meid

    Lost my p99 five seven and makarov

    Follow the template @Mazen Ali Make a new thread~
  16. Lola Meid

    you stink

    you stink
  17. Lola Meid

    wow haters

    wow haters
  18. Lola Meid

    y'all ready for Christmas monolith style?

    y'all ready for Christmas monolith style?
  19. Lola Meid

    Thanksgiving contest - 2018

    Hello everyone ! So it got a bit delayed, but we managed to pick our winners! 3. @Gregg 15.000 monodollars 2. @Clouds 30.000 monodollars 1. @A Sack O' Salt and @DangerZone640 50.000 monodollars each (they turned out to be equally good) Thank you all for participating amd congrats winners...
  20. Lola Meid

    lol it's been two years since november, can't get rid of @DevulTj

    lol it's been two years since november, can't get rid of @DevulTj