Search results

  1. Balldrip

    Police Minge by Daniel Smith

    Hello, Can you provide a longer video that proves what you are stating? Furthermore, @Pi31415 you are mentioned in this player report. You have 24 hours to reply or report management will handle this without your input. Regards, Balldrip
  2. Balldrip

    Extensive prop pushing / NITRP - [Cute isn't sHE?]

    The reported user will receive a 3-day physgun blacklist for prop push / physgun abuse. The rest was handled in game. Accepted.
  3. Balldrip

    Hello Friends Unban me please

  4. Balldrip

    Repeated RDM and Spawn Killing + Cop Abuse + RDA by the jew boss

    After reviewing the evidence provided, the reported user will receive a 3-day ban for Player Targeting, NITRP, and RDM. You may make a refund request for any items you lost and link this player report as evidence. Accepted.
  5. Balldrip

    raid timer

    Insufficient evidence to prove that this player broke the raid timer. Feel free to make a new report if you have solid evidence. I'm not sure if you want to be blackmailing someone right on the forums where everyone can see... Since you want to act like that, once you make that report it is...
  6. Balldrip

    RDM+Prop Bashing

    Incorrect format. Denied.
  7. Balldrip

    False Ban

  8. Balldrip

    RDM Issue

    1. The video is unavailable 2. No steam ID Please follow the report rules or your next report will be closed with or without the above.
  9. Balldrip

    RDMed while in premium stash and then RDMed again in the same spot

    No steam ID, no evidence shown. Please review the rules before making a report. Denied.
  10. Balldrip

    John SOE rdm

    This user has been banned for the usage of third-party software.
  11. Balldrip

    Bye guys

    It was fun
  12. Balldrip

    Raid timer

    No evidence. Denied.
  13. Balldrip

    Raid timer

    Please provide evidence or this will be denied.
  14. Balldrip

    John SOE rdm

    Locked for review.
  15. Balldrip

    Hype - Drake

    Hype - Drake
  16. Balldrip

    John SOE rdm

    @Scripted please provide a steamID or this will be denied.
  17. Balldrip

    The count to 1 Million!

  18. Balldrip


    No evidence, no punishment. Denied.
  19. Balldrip


    No format, no steam ID. Please read and use the format before making a report.