Greetings, @tyler rees
Regarding your player report on the following player(s);
Cocapuffpuff STEAM_0:0:143248590
The evidence provided in the report shows that this person falsely tased you. They will be issued a 2-day blacklist from police jobs for tasing you for no reason when staff...
Greetings, @chickenLover25
Regarding your player report on the following player(s);
rafemendoza32 : STEAM_0:0:530556181
The evidence provided in the report shows that this person was at the bank and breaking NLR. They will be issues 2wp for NLR as well as a blacklist from Bank Security for 3...
Greetings, @Jimmy Jimson
Regarding your player report on the following player(s);
frick: STEAM_0:1:507607219
The evidence provided in the report shows that you were made a 911 call for your own entertainment.
The following player(s) will be issued the following punishment(s)
1 week weapon...
Greetings, @NonSkilledKid
Regarding your player report on the following player(s);
Zlatna Kopacka ( STEAM_0:1:85401838 )
After reviewing the evidence I have come to a decision that the mayor was fail driving.
The following player will receive a 24-hour blacklist for fail driving
Greetings, @NonSkilledKid
Regarding your player report on the following player(s);
Spartajul (STEAM_0:1:35529768)
After reviewing the evidence I have come to a decision that no rule has been broken. You can appeal the ticket in-game if you feel it was unfair. The player did delete the...
You killed someone. I wasn't the police officer but you did admit to killing someone in your report. I told you to rp it out and call the chief or the mayor.
Hey @StolenHoodie ,
Regarding your Player Report on @Shazino. After reviewing further evidence and talking to him in-game a decision has been made. The following reported user violated server rules on Unauthorized Corruption will receive a 1 week blacklist from Mayor.
Report Accepted,
Also, can you provide a time for the blacklist? I can't seem to find anything that says you were blacklisted. I know you were banned for misusing the report system but I don't see anything with blacklisted. So please provide a time for me.
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