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  1. Maj.Kat

    Perm ban

    Real-life death threats are absolutely not allowed. The staff member this was directed to said the situation was out of character, especially because after the fact you insulted how he performed his staffing abilities. The witnessing staff member of this situation also had similar things to say...
  2. Maj.Kat

    Favorite Movies

    The Matrix (1999)
  3. Maj.Kat

    memo's ban appeal

    Locked for review.
  4. Maj.Kat

    INFO Monolith RP Staff

    @Jimmy_ has resigned from his position as Moderator due to real-life concerns. We appreciate the time and work he has put in so far. We wish him the best!
  5. Maj.Kat

    Permaban Appeal

  6. Maj.Kat

    INFO Monolith RP Staff

    @pordest has resigned from his position as a Trial-Moderator, we appreciate the time he has put in for the community so far and we wish him the best of luck! @Asiandiskool @Thanewolfe @SwimmingBird have all been taken off of trial. Congratulations!! @StewartJames has been promoted to...
  7. Maj.Kat

    Ban appeal

  8. Maj.Kat

    Jackie Wong Refund request

    RULE: The usage of any kind of anti-AFK script or external game modification software is not tolerated. Using some form of AI to perform farming, mining, etc. is not allowed. The only exception we allow is the usage of the +attack command as long as you're immediately able to respond to ingame...
  9. Maj.Kat

    i was banned for "having bad notes"

    Please follow the provided ban appeal format.
  10. Maj.Kat

    INFO Monolith RP Staff

    @Accertly has not progressed pass the trial period and has been removed.
  11. Maj.Kat

    Banned for "ban evasion"???

    Wrong format for a ban appeal.
  12. Maj.Kat

    INFO Monolith RP Staff

    Congratulations to @Shimax for making it to Senior Administrator. He has been here for quite some bit. He takes initiative in the things he does and shows his care for the server and community. We will now welcome him as our only EU Senior Administrator right now! Congrats! Congrats to @Bubba...
  13. Maj.Kat

    Player report

    Locked for review.
  14. Maj.Kat

    Ban for hacking?

    We will not disclose any methods/strategies we use to catch cheaters and I will leave it at that. You and I both know that you were cheating, and as I said in the ban reason, you will not be able to appeal this ban. Denied. - Maj.kat
  15. Maj.Kat

    80k Refund Request

    Buying premium ingame is done at your own risk in such cases.
  16. Maj.Kat

    Rdmed by mod

    I am assuming you are reporting @Bubba Dice It is quite obvious that you were not shot and killed for "no reason". You were trying to steal his car and proceeded to run away from him. Him killing you was not breaking the rules in this situation. I also would much appreciate it if you'd stop...
  17. Maj.Kat


    Denied due to insufficient evidence.
  18. Maj.Kat

    Staff Report for

    It is absolutely absurd that you think you can behave this way as a mentor; a person that represents the server. I am not going to have someone as a Mentor on the server that behaves like a child. I think the most immature part about this is that you say this in OOC right after you encounter me...
  19. Maj.Kat

    inv me

    inv me