Search results

  1. thekylevanhorn

    Funniest Admin sit

    Nothing in staff guidelines doesnt say that we couldnt talk about funny sits. Most staff wont but they will leave peoples names out.
  2. thekylevanhorn

    Funniest Admin sit

    Michael prop pushing saying its only a cabbage is kinda funny.
  3. thekylevanhorn

    Leaving Monolith

    Sorry to see you go my dude.
  4. thekylevanhorn

    Cop false shooting me refund request

    I can confirm this is what happened.
  5. thekylevanhorn

    Refund request

    I can confirm this is what happened
  6. thekylevanhorn

    why is the server on southside and not monoford?

    Is that a Mentor being a bad boy? UH OH
  7. thekylevanhorn

    why is the server on southside and not monoford?

    Do you even got all 99 skills yet. To think you started on Paralake/Truenorth :P
  8. thekylevanhorn

    FEEDBACK Catch Up Mechanic

    New players should get an XP boost I agree. Us older players don't need it.
  9. thekylevanhorn

    FEEDBACK Change the colors on Police Cars/Add a few cars that are already in game to PD

    I think there should be an undercover dodge charger..... so +Support
  10. thekylevanhorn

    why is the server on southside and not monoford?

    I do miss monoford but thats where I started so that makes a lot of sense for me.
  11. thekylevanhorn


    Now that you have said that here you actually have a reason for it +Support
  12. thekylevanhorn


    um..... Why?
  13. thekylevanhorn

    why is the server on southside and not monoford?

    I don't think switching back to Monoford right now would boost the pop. I liked Monoford better as well but.... ya know
  14. thekylevanhorn

    FEEDBACK Add more Iron and Copper Nodes

    Type of feedback: Suggestion Title: More Mining Nodes Links, videos, context (we love more information, media, etc.): N/A There needs to be more mining nodes for Iron and Copper. Iron is the most used node for weapons. Copper is used for a lot of ammo just like Iron is. There is only 2 Iron and...
  15. thekylevanhorn

    SUGGESTION Total Government Job Overhaul

    EMS is actually Police, Fire, and Medical EMT and Paramedic are medical. Fire is well fire. I think Intern should be changed to EMT. Paramedics are in charge of the ambulance IRL so why not do that?
  16. thekylevanhorn

    Add A SRT Durango or Durango Hell Cat

    Theres already a hellcat on the server and in my opinion it's not good.
  17. thekylevanhorn

    This is how i feel about admin sits in Gmod

    um... ok tell us how you really feel Kuro
  18. thekylevanhorn

    Raid Refund Request

    I can confirm this is what happened. I can not verify the attachments on the weapons.
  19. thekylevanhorn


    He also doesnt have the 2nd mining area showing and the two woodcutting areas
  20. thekylevanhorn


    I agree with the one stone rock just like one try to cut. New players dont like to wait on stuff like that.