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  1. Chubby

    Letting players fly them isn't a really good idea lol But if monoford has an airport and pilot...

    Letting players fly them isn't a really good idea lol But if monoford has an airport and pilot job was whitelisted it would be fucking lit
  2. Chubby

    Game completely closed out and lost 8 white grape seeds

    Please follow the correct format
  3. Chubby

    Katamine Player Report

  4. Chubby

    Susumu Ban Appeal

  5. Chubby

    Bye Xd

    Goodbye cheerio buddy
  6. Chubby

    Refund Request for server crash

    Please follow the correct format
  7. Chubby

    z9's Ban Appeal - Troll banning from players and targeting

    Me and McLovin told you to take the report to the forums because it was he said she said sit and the evidence was taking ages to upload, I get it was a mistake but its still RDM. Also, witnesses are not allowed and you never asked for them, you also admitted to rdming them without initiation so...
  8. Chubby

    FPS Boost?

    gmod_mcore_test 1 mat_queue_mode -1 cl_threaded_bone_setup 1 cl_threaded_client_leaf_system "1" r_threaded_client_shadow_manager "1" r_threaded_particles "1" r_threaded_renderables "1" r_queued_ropes "1" mat_specular "0" r_drawmodeldecals "0" mat_queue_mode "2" studio_queue_mode "1"...
  9. Chubby

    Opening Cinematic Won't Play

    If you're having the grey loading screen glitch, Go to garrysmod/garrysmod/cache/lua and remove "520992012.lua" then reconnect
  10. Chubby

    My female police cadet is an error to me and evrybody, please help

    Female police player models are not set, So this is why you are seeing errors
  11. Chubby

    Lawrence Starks - Ban appeal @spacedsloth

    Warning points cannot be appealed Locked and moved
  12. Chubby

    Only if monolith roles back to 2.1

    Only if monolith roles back to 2.1
  13. Chubby

    Woa Kenny Ban Appeal

    You kept trolling in the sit and admitted to vdming them because they were shooting at someone which is not allowed and I explained this to you. As this is your first offense I will be accepting this ban appeal, Please read the rules before you come back
  14. Chubby

    Report Against: 669, 375, 856

    @DevulTj Knows how to convert the 3 digits I think
  15. Chubby

    missing premium

  16. Chubby


    There was no evidence he broke FearRP, Im not just going to take your word for it. I asked him in the sit before if he did and he said he didnt
  17. Chubby

    JPaps ban appeal

    ACCEPTED Lowered to 17d
  18. Chubby

    JPaps ban appeal

    You called me and natan a {WORD CENSORED}, You stole a car as a mechanic and you were faildriving and vdm'd a guy. Natan asked you why are you arguing if you dont care and you said "Because I want to minge some more". Why should I unban you?
  19. Chubby


  20. Chubby

    Ban appeal - Lawrence Starks

    ACCEPTED Your will be unbanned shortly