
  1. S

    Vehicle Bugged Out Texture Fix

    Hello Monolith members, If you ever get messed up textures such as this on certain vehicles : http://prntscr.com/quby5x Here's a quick fix Go to game options, video settings, hit "Advanced...", go to "Model detail" & set it to "High" & back out of the settings by hitting "Ok" on both boxes...
  2. T

    GUIDE Still missing textures after re-subscribing to all the content? Map outdated/missing? Read this!

    Still missing textures after re-subscribing to all the content? Read this! :) Short In-Game Share Link: https://monolithservers.com/forums/threads/17199 You will lose no RP in-server progression or items by following these steps, none of that is affected. This guide is assuming that you've...