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Monolith Newcomer
Jul 15, 2017


Years of Mono

Your Steam Name: jayking1584
Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:81827575
Your Character Name: eric bands

Ban Length: 3 days
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): larry gibbons

Ban Reason: fail rp
Time of Occurrence: 6:24 am eastern
Relevant Evidence:
Additional members involved/witnessing:

ok fail rp how did I fail rp the officer pulled me over then he was distracted out of giving me warning or ticket or what ever then I drove off that's still rp officer look left its very possible for civilians to run from police that's happen all the time
and I'm getting tired of being ban on this server its not even a serious rp server everyone breaks character but when police distracted and I run I get fail rp this is bullshit I gave yall a second chance cus I kinda like yall server but yall bad the hardest for the stupidest shit like honest if its not serious rp then no one she get banned 3 days for yall bullshit and yes I did lie its was my roleplay its like I have to roleplay by the certain staff that's on rules then when they shift and different set of rp rules its not fail rp I did rp with the officer he got distracted I though my character would run cus he looking the other way and out side his car . ok its like cops can do anything and civs have to play alone I'm getting tired of getting 3 day ban for having fun and dealing with badmins this is total bullshit and if you want to talk about rp as I was getting up from tase admin broke into the middle of our rp and broke our rp and I wasn't lying to the admin cus I didn't even know he was their I was lying to the cop even tho I knew I was going to jail I thought it will be a fun rp we can have to the jail.

I want to be unban I did rp and I didn't fail so u basing this ban somewhere in grey area world and their wasn't no fear rp when he pulled his gun out I listened to him ad complied but at the time he didn't have his gun out and he was talking to a annoying horn guy who was beeping his horn constantly and he wasn't engaged with us so we left

Larry Gibbons

Monolith Veteran
Dec 6, 2016


Years of Mono

You failed to abide by a /me when the officer dragged you ruining the roleplay, after warning.

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