
Monolith Rookie
Aug 30, 2021


Years of Mono

First Name: Gus
Last Name: Yorsh
DOB: August, 5th, 1986
Job Title: Fire Chief

Where It All Started:

Gus Yorsh was born August 5th, 1986 in Jacksonville, FL where most of his youth was spent. Gus always aspired to be someone that would help people in anyway he could. Gus always looked up to Firefighters, EMTs, Paramedics, Police Officers, etc. He always loved visiting the fire stations when he was little and would imagine himself driving the firetruck and saving the day. Gus had some others in his family that were first responders. Gus's older brother was a firefighter, as well as his grandfather. They were role models to him throughout his youth. Unfortunately when Gus was only just 9 years old, his older brother died in a structure fire while saving 2 other people entrapped in the building. His older brother saved those 2 individuals for his own life. This really changed Gus and the way he thought of first responders in such a huge way. Gus made it his priority to be a first responder, whether that be a Police Officer, Firefighter, or Paramedic. At the end of his senior year of high school, Gus enrolled in the Fire Academy. The Fire Academy he enrolled in was a program that was based around the individual and there personality and where the program thought they would fit best regarding the city/county they would end up serving. They chose Gus to be part of the City of Monoford Fire Academy. Gus was a pretty nervous about where he was going because it happened to be one of the hardest fire academies to go through. Even though Gus was nervous, he was determined to go through it and perform the best he could throughout the program.

His Firefighting Career:

Gus went through the Monoford Fire Academy and placed 1st in his class! The City of Monoford looked at Gus's profile and didn't hesitate to put him on a firefighting crew in the city. Gus served the rank of Firefighter for 3 years and then tested for the rank of engineer. Gus got promoted to the engineer position and served for 6 years in that position. Gus at this point was really determined to start getting into the officer positions in the fire department and take lead. Gus tested for the Lieutenant position, and ended up getting the promotion! Gus really enjoyed being a Lieutenant and leading his Engine Crew. Gus served as a Lieutenant and for 8 years. During those 8 years as a Lieutenant, Gus got injured in a structure fire due to a ceiling collapse. Gus recovered and realized he need to sway away from a position that required him to be inside fires as he was getting older. At this point Gus had served the City of Monoford for 17 years, and was highly looked upon across the fire department for his dedication and leadership. Gus thought he could give so much more to City, and wanted to inch himself closer to a Chief position. Gus ended up getting promoted to the Captain position and served 2 years in that role. From there, he had a little bit of a harder time climbing up the ranks due to politics across the fire department and the City of Monoford. But, after his 2 years of serving as the Captains position, Gus ended up getting voted in to become 1 of 3 Division Chiefs in the city. This was a huge deal for Gus as he had a lot more say in decisions for the fire department and budgeting. Gus served as a Division Chief for 5 years. Gus had now been serving the City of Monoford for 24 years. The Fire Chief at the time was ready to finally retire and hand off the position to someone else worthy. To get the Fire Chiefs position, you had to be voted in by the citizens. Gus saw this as his moment to hopefully be the Fire Chief. Gus ran a pretty strong campaign, but it wasn't easy to say the least. There were 5 others running for the Fire Chiefs position, and they were also strong candidates. Gus ended up getting the majority votes, he got 61% of the votes, it was a landslide victory! Gus didn't expect to have such a victory like that. Gus was now the City of Monoford Fire Chief. He accomplished so many things as the Fire Chief. His biggest accomplishment so far has been his "Cancer Awareness and Treatment Act" which aided firefighters that got cancer and firefighters that were already dealing with cancer due to the job. Gus till this day is serving as a Fire Chief going on 4 years as Chief. Gus still has so many ambitions for the Fire Department that will help better serve the community of Monoford and his fellow firefighters.


Monolith Rookie
Feb 15, 2022


Years of Mono

You've inspired me to make my own character backstory old friend and org-mate. This is excellent, and juicy lore to explain why you are a Fire Chief main! Looking forward to playing with the esteemed Gus Yorsh again as fellow gouvernment mains!