Hey hows it going? I figured i should just knock this out, anyhow I'm new to the server and i figured id sub to help with crafting so i can build rep as a vendor of some sorts lol, i basically mined for four hours straight in Evocity and the second i step outside the city I basically did my best to survive FearRP on my own accord, the chase was somewhat exciting haha, I tend to mind my own business and do my own little thing and help people out here and there, giving a hand up, not a hand out. Eventually I'm gonna work on developing my character to be a jack of all trades so to speak so for future endeavors. I used to play a lot of DarkRP and instead of jobs there were classes on different servers I played so I'm not using to seeing essentially zero kidnappers running through the streets blindfolding and gagging people, mass rdms or money printers lol. I will bid everyone a hearty hello and I will see you all on the flip side!
We hope to see you online soon!