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Monolith Newcomer
Jan 15, 2020


Years of Mono

Steam Name: Smokey Gonzalez
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from STEAM_0:1:49601701
Your Character Name: Juan Gonzalez

Ban Length: 1 month ( I have about 1 week and 4 days left)
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Bryce (MUDJUG)

Ban Reason: Extreme Disrespect , Racism.
Unban Reason: My friend who was new to the server and I were growing bud , we had been doing it for around an hour or two. We had decided that this would be our last harvest for the night and we'd continue in the morning. Someone either broke in , or one of us forgot to lock the door. I shot him but he ended up killing me , but i alerted my friend in game. However he was new and wasn't familiar with the game. I had also being drinking irl as it was the weekend and had most likely had worked earlier. I got upset as not only did we lose the harvest and our weapons , but he took our seeds and probably destroyed our equipment. I ran inside to get my AK and I told my friend to try to get a car, when I came back outside he was messing around with other people outside the bank. Realizing that we had lost close to 50-60k (most of that out of my own pocket ,and after spending money for other things during our first couple harvests I was low on cash) I hit my peak ( or so I thought) I loaded my AK and apologized to my friend , to which he responded for what? Which is when I started spraying him , however I didn't notice the swat officer nearby. He shot me , I shot back , I ran long story short he caught me. Whilst in the process of dragging me , he took my AK ( I know it's his job and I was in the wrong), but at that point I just saw more money gone and though It was due my own fault , with all the losses I had been taken combined with the alcohol I lost my cool. I began spitting out profanities one of which was the (N'a) word. And while it's common where Im from it was and is completely inappropriate . I decided to make this forum post because I am truly apologetic for my actions and I am eager to return. Regardless of when I return I do intend to Rp better , and I have also stopped playing games when I get heated. I know I may not get unbanned and I am not expecting to ,but I am sorry for my actions.

Time of Occurrence: Late April/Early May not to sure it's been awhile
Additional members involved/witnessing: My friend, and the SWAT Officer
Read, understood and followed ban appeal rules?: Yes


Monolith Senior
Jan 22, 2019


Years of Mono

Hello @SmokeyGonzalez ,
Being as you took the time to make this, as well as serving the majority of your time, I'm going to meet you in the middle and ACCEPT this. Please, in the future, remember that while something may be common for you, it could be extremely offensive to another person. We try to keep a level field here and make it a welcoming space for ALL players. Your character may be offensive TO AN EXTENT, however racist or derogatory slurs are still expressly forbidden. With that being said, welcome back and I hope we dont have this issue anymore.
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