How would say your experience has been with this event?


Monolith Grinder
May 22, 2018


Years of Mono

I never said you didn't have a right to express your opinion, when did I say that exactly?
While I say it as well, saying "You don't have to play" or so and so when someone's giving an opinion, is a bit of a shutdown ngl, and some people can take that with hostility and whatnot, probably why they thought yous aid they didnt have that right

Problem was planning imo. The Combine were absolutely fucked that event and I'll admit I was part of the problem, going on powertrips and whatnot. The mentality for hl2rp isn't here imo, since a lot of us just wanna shoot shit. The only way I enjoyed the event was either raiding the nexus with the entire server, or being a cop and just grabbing people for minor reasons and beating them in an apartment block.

Honestly I felt there was a lacking aesthethic to it. What I mean by this is it didn't *feel* like hl2rp, but more like a reskin with a few rules added and a few guns added into the mix. I saw one zombie during the whole event, and that was infront of the hospital. One lone zombie. I'd have enjoyed more events over the 4 day periods letting admins go wild with the RP type events rather than TDM and shit.


Monolith Grinder
Mar 17, 2020


Years of Mono

Loved the event. There were some times where I felt like there was nothing to do but something eventually came up. I don't know if it's because I love the half-life series already and have played the games and love the lore of the combine and everything about living in the half-life universe. So maybe that's why I loved it so much. I can see how most people don't know what the hell Half-life 2 RP is and didn't know what to do.


Monolith Senior
Mar 28, 2017


Years of Mono

While I say it as well, saying "You don't have to play" or so and so when someone's giving an opinion, is a bit of a shutdown ngl, and some people can take that with hostility and whatnot, probably why they thought yous aid they didnt have that right

Problem was planning imo. The Combine were absolutely fucked that event and I'll admit I was part of the problem, going on powertrips and whatnot. The mentality for hl2rp isn't here imo, since a lot of us just wanna shoot shit. The only way I enjoyed the event was either raiding the nexus with the entire server, or being a cop and just grabbing people for minor reasons and beating them in an apartment block.

Honestly I felt there was a lacking aesthethic to it. What I mean by this is it didn't *feel* like hl2rp, but more like a reskin with a few rules added and a few guns added into the mix. I saw one zombie during the whole event, and that was infront of the hospital. One lone zombie. I'd have enjoyed more events over the 4 day periods letting admins go wild with the RP type events rather than TDM and shit.
What could've been added to enhance the aesthetic? Zombies were actually planned as a fully playable player class that would spawn and roam the sewers, but we ran out of time and thought the idea wasn't entirely feasible. Problem with the spawning NPCs is that they target all the Monolith NPCs like the police recruiter etc around the map so it would've been difficult to do a PVE event, although it would've been nice.

Combine were for sure excessive but I suppose thats what happens when you give an already mentally handicapped playerbase the authority to arrest and beat people for minor offenses in order to stay true to Half-Life 2.
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