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Mr. Dante

Monolith Newcomer
Jun 16, 2017


Years of Mono

The Luprano Family

I nostri amici della famiglia.


The Luprano family organization is currently public, and is over two years old. The books are always open to competent, determined members. Our role play is based off of movies such as Goodfellas and shows such as the Sopranos. In fact, our organization role plays authentically towards the legitimate mafia. Of course not all of our members are going to be present on this server, that would be excessive. We currently have two crews operating on Monolith, the Gentili and Coronado crews - their numbers will be kept confidential. Our family originally was established on the Identity forums, but unfortunately it’s probably not releasing for a while. Ever since then, we’ve been expanding our family to multiple servers and establishing a presence in every corner of most mafia-rp Garry’s Mod servers and FiveM servers. A few of us are remnants of the Luciano family here on Monolith, including myself.​


Family Description:

Times have changed and crime is diversifying. Street gangs and other ethnic crime syndicates have sprouted up all over the place, but none warrant the quick shudder of fear when hearing the name La Cosa Nostra, "this thing of ours". Italian organized crime is the deadliest criminal organization on the whole Earth.

The Luprano crime family is a family started by Frank Luprano from Bari, Italy. He migrated to Canada where he started one of the largest crime syndicates in the world.

The Luprano family is a pan-Italian cosa nostra family with it's members originally from other North American cities with mafia families, as well as home grown mobsters, and new blood imported from Italy. All made men in the Luprano family have southern Italian heritage with blood lines from places such as Sicily, Napoli, Bari, and Calabria.​

The family has a strict code of honor, and all members must take the oath of omertà.

1) Your loyalty must be towards the family, before anybody else. Before other families, police, gangs, or thugs. If the family calls upon you, you must leave whatever you are doing and accept their call to action to work with the family. Failure to report for duty will result in a demotion or removal from the family.

2) Have faith in the family's judgement. Give them your loyalty. Be a friend to the family.

3) Never take sides anybody in the family and never rat on your friends. If there is “bad blood”, take it to the Don, Street boss, Underboss, Consigliere, or your Caporegime.

4) The family relies on a structure of ranks, to keep business smooth and managed. Respect and listen to your higher ranks. Do as you're told.

5) With enough active and valuable contribution to the family, any man can climb the ranks of the family.

6) A man who's not in the family, such as an associate, may be given a living, but is never allowed to hear about or discuss the family business in any measures that go beyond simple day-to-day jobs. This refers to the day-to-day guys and associates, not members of our family.

7) Unless authorized by the Don, a man in the family may never be removed from the organization.

8) Keep good relations with politicians and cops. Don't think of them as our enemies unless they pose a threat. You can do a lot more with a stack of money than a gun.

9) All members of the organization are critically enforced to have a realistic roleplay name. Do not copy popular mobsters such as Al Capone or Tony Soprano.

10) A member who has poor relations with the server administrators makes us look bad and a member who is banned from the server is useless to The Luprano Family. Members are expected to keep good relations on the server by following server rules, or at least not getting caught breaking them.

11) Don't become a nuisance to the group. Repeated absences, not following orders, becoming easily distracted, and especially over-using the mic are all considered a nuisance. These members will face the possibility of becoming demoted or removed from the family.

12) Don’t repeatedly question orders from higher ups. If they tell you to do something you better do it. For instance the Caporegime telling a Soldier to kill someone. The Made-Man or Soldier can’t oversee this and can’t deny this order.

13) Follow the omertà. Never allow the government to receive any details in the family.

14) Never go against the family under any circumstances. If anyone offers you cash to kill the Don, you deny it. Because in this family there is more fortune than money of that quantity.

15) If you decide to form a coup against the family then it will only hurt you. You will be exiled from our hard work that resulted in a magnificent project.​

The family is involved in a vast array of criminal activities that include:

Extortion: Gaining money through force or threats.
Loan Sharking: Loaning individuals money whilst interest is accounted for.
Book Making: Placing bets on certain events; for example, horse racing.
Illegal Gambling: Gambling with a violation of the law; essentially gambling in an illegal area.
Fraud: Deliberate deception for making secure or unlawful gains.
Kidnapping: Forcing an individual captive. Kidnapping could either be for a ransom of a large sum of cash or it could be a personal affair - someone insulted the family’s Don.
Drugs: (Most recognizable) Dealing out illegal drugs for a profit.
Arms Trafficking: Selling illegal firearms through the blackmarket.
Contract Killings: Hired hitman to assassinate individuals.
Robberies: Taking an item/cash by force, or breaking into a property.
Illegal Logging: Purchase of wood in violation of the law.
Police Corruption/Bribery: Essentially paying a cop to work on your payroll.

Almost anything that makes a hefty profit is of interest to the family, as well as legitimate and semi legitimate business endeavors.

A mobster who is a hybrid of a street tough guy and an earner is rare and extremely respected. Both are essential for the family.

Street guys play more of an enforcer role, laying down beatings, intimidating, murdering as well as doing things such as extortion and what not. Street guys are street smart and are traditional gangsters.

on the other hand are the brains of the family. They are the ones that make the big money, making big schemes and scams, without getting their hands as dirty up close and personal.

When we call ourselves a family, we mean it. Once you take the oath to enter La Cosa Nostra, "this thing of ours", you will be treated as family; a brother, a father, or a son. You are expected to do the same. As a made man you will be treated with the utmost respect, you will get better opportunities to make money, and enjoy many privileges from the family, such as the police looking the other way in certain cases, discounts, and protection from other criminals.
"Nothing can break the family bond, we die for each other to preserve our way of life, our secrets, and the bond of family." - Don Franco "Frank" Luprano

From greatest to least power

Boss/Don: The leader. The boss makes all the most important decisions and gets a cut of everyones money. He usually doesn't get his hands dirty but creates big schemes and is always guarded. He oversees the business of the family as a whole and makes decisions that benefit the family. The boss can authorize large plans.The boss is present at every initiation ceremony.

Underboss: Second in command. He supervises the street bosses, and deals with many issues that they need assistance in. He gets paid from the street bosses and turns over a large portion to the boss. The underboss acts as a consultant to the boss, along with the rest of the inner circle. Most of the concerns of the capo's and their crews are dealt with by the underboss, who acts as the voice and representative of the Don. The underboss consults the Don and the rest of the inner circle regarding very important issues. The underboss is next in line to be boss if the boss resigns. The underboss can create large crime plans and authorize them too. He is also usually present at the initiation ceremonies.

Consigliere: Advisor; third in command. The consigliere is a very intelligent man who is also usually a lawyer or accountant. He manages the families finances, helps out with the cops, and helps out the family in the court of law. He is a direct advisor to the boss and in the inner circle along with the boss, underbosses and enforcers. He is usually present at initiation ceremonies. The consigliere usually associates with high status people like the mayor and chief of police. He is paid directly by the boss or underboss since he doesn't usually make collections or do dirty work. He usually also creates large money making schemes.

Enforcer: Our family has the rank of enforcer as a high ranking position in the family. This position is achieved after plenty of dedication and reputation. This person acts as our most reliable hitman, that takes care of the most dire of problems. He is personal bodyguard to the inner circle and is part of the inner circle himself. The enforcer organizes the most elaborate of hits and is extremely feared.

Street Boss: The Street Boss is an important position, and there are three Street Bosses. Each street boss oversees the activities of the capo's and their crews in their respective “cities”. The Street Bosses resolve issues that the capo's need assistance in, such as territory disputes with other criminal groups, or any issues that may occur between crews in the same city. They are also involved in managing large scale business deals and schemes in their city, ensuring smooth collaboration between the crews to accomplish big jobs. Any issues that are too risky or important are brought to the inner circle, however, the Street Bosses are highly respected men, who are capable of making important decisions. They are paid kick up from the capo's that they supervise, and kick up a percent of their earnings to the underboss. The Street Bosses are present at very important meetings and can be present at initiation ceremonies.

Captain/Capo: Captains' in charge of their own crew of soldiers. There can be many captain's, but they must each have at least three or four soldiers underneath them. Captain's are highly respected men of honor that are usually on the street with their soldiers making money doing collections, and other illegal activities(although they might also do some legal stuff.) A capo supervises and takes care of any problems in their neighborhood that they control. While they and their crews are under the guidance of a Street Boss, they still have a good deal of freedom on how they run their crew.The capos can create some medium sized schemes but anything too large must have permission first from higher ups. They get a cut of money from their own crew which they must kick up some to the underboss. The capos represent their crews and can usually be present at initiation ceremonies, especially the more powerful capos. Each individual crew is named after its capo.(The capos in-game last name.) Example of a crew

Soldiers: Soldier also known as Made-Man or Button, is the starting point in a crime family. Soldiers or Made-Men are the ultimate enforcers of the family who have proved themselves and command respect from their fellow Mafioso. Soldier's are the lowest Mafia members. They do all the "dirty work" and as such are generally the ones arrested by the police. The number of soldiers and made-men belonging to a Capo may vary tremendously. The muscle of the family. They are on the streets doing the daily activities of the mob. They must pay some of their earnings to their capo. Soldiers can make some small schemes but usually take place in medium sized ones orchestrated by their capo. Although soldiers are the lowest made members, they are still very powerful amongst society because they are made men. Once you have taken the oath of Omertà in an initiation ceremony, you become a made man, with the rank of soldier. Soldiers may have a small group of associates and wannabes that help them and give them cuts of money but it's not necessary or always constant. A soldier in a crew can be assigned by their capo as their right hand man. This simply means that they will likely have temporary leadership over the crew when the capo is in prison or takes a large leave of absence, and may aid the capo in making large decisions. Hardened soldiers who specialize in killing can be known as hitmen. The confidente di consigliere, or more simply, the Confidente, is an intelligent man that acts as a confidant to the consigliere, that is strongly involved in the family's businesses, finances, and relations with outsiders. Although these are sub ranks within the soldier rank, they have slightly more prestige over a regular soldier.

Associates: People not yet made into the family but that work with them. These can be wannabees or future prospects for the family but also people that can't join such as non Italian criminals, crooked cops, judges and people of other crime groups. If they want to be made, they have to be sponsored and presented to the inner circle of the family by the particular crew they work with. Although associates aren't as protected by the mafia and are not made, they can sometimes still warrant some reasonable power and respect.

To be made you must be of Italian descent (since I cannot verify this and want to give people a chance to have fun roleplaying you must at least act and respect Italian culture, try watching some mobster movies or the sopranos if you are unsure or need a refresher).

Mobsters must dress appropriately, at least most of the time and during meetings (no silly ridiculous things like tight pants or pink cars, at least not while doing mafia duties.) Made men are feared and untouchable by other made men and the public because of the extreme retaliation for going against them. They carry influence anywhere they go and even the police and government will not attack these well organized killers.

Once a person is made, nobody within the family or outside can kill them. Being made is essentially a license to steal. To be killed by someone within the family, they must have the permission of the inner circle (boss, underbosses, consigliere, enforcers) otherwise they will be killed themselves. If anyone from outside the family kills a made family member, they will be dealt with swiftly.

* To be part of cosa nostra is an honor and privilege as everyone will envy the power and respect that you carry. *

Soldiers must kick up money to their Capo who kicks up to the Street Boss who kicks up to the Underboss who kicks up to the Don/Boss. The Consigliere is paid by the Boss or Underboss separately.

Oath: Made members will have to take the oath of omerta In an initiation ceremony. You must always remain silent about the family and loyal.
Being Made = In the family (Associates are not made)

To understand how we operate, you can watch these videos to educate yourself:

(An example of someone being brought into the family)

A short list of Italian and Italian-American Phrases:

Grazie (Pronounced "grats-ye")= Thank you

Prego (Pronounced "preh-go")= Your welcome

Come Stai? (Pronounced "co-meh st-eye")= How are you?

Bene (Pronounced "beh-neh")= Good

Uagliò (Pronounced "wall-yo")= "Hey kid", it can be used in a good or bad way as well.

Giovanotte (Pronounced "jova-note")= An expression of endearment to a younger person.

Barese (Pronounced "Ba-reh-zeh")= Someone or something from the City/area of Bari, in southern Italy.

Sicilian/Siciliano (Pronounced "See-chili-anno")= Someone or something from the island of Sicily, off the coast of southern Italy.

Paesan (Pronounced "pie-zan")= A friend, usually of Italian descent.

Compare (Pronounced "comb-pa-re")= A very close friend.

Amico/Amicu (Pronounced "a-meek-oh" or in Sicilian, "a-meek-oo")= Another, and most direct word to say friend.

Stronzo/strunz' (Pronounced "Strown-zo" or in Barese, "stroonz")= Big piece of shit.

Merda (Pronounced "mare-da')= Shit

Gavone (Pronounced "Gav-own")= Stupid prick

Cazz (Pronounced "cats") = Dick

U' cazz (Pronounced "oo cats")= Literally means "the dick", but is an expression that means "nothing", in a pissed off way.

Stu'cazz/stugots (Pronounced "stew-cats")= Calling somebody a dick.

Cornuto/cornutu (pronounced "corn-oot-oh" or in Sicilian "corn-oot-oo")= Cuckold, can be used to curse someone

Riccione (Pronounced "rick-yown")= Someone who is homosexual.

Ciao (Pronounced "chow')= Hello/goodbye

Mangia (Pronounced "mon-jya")= Means "eat".

Mannaggia (Pronounced "mana-jya")= Used in a similar way to saying "damn it".

Ma che cazz' sta fasc'? (pronounced "Ma-ke-cats-sta-fash")= Barese for "what the fuck are you doing?"

Stunad (Pronounced "stoon-ad")= Dumbass

Putana (Pronounced "poo-tanna")= Whore

Cidrul (Pronounced "chidrool")= Moron

Vaffancul (Pronounced "Bafangool")= Go fuck yourself.

Cretin' (Pronounced "creh-teen")= Barese word for cretin/imbecile

Scarole (Pronounced "sha-roll")= Money

Trimone (Pronounced "tre-moan")= Barese word for idiot/incompetent.

Minchia (Pronounced "mean-kia")= Wow

Mizzica (Pronounced "meats-ika")= Sicilian phrase, used similar to minchia.​

If you're interested in joining the organization, you will discover us through role play/in-game.

Don "Franco" Frank Luprano
FBI #294321
Boss of the Luprano Family



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Monolith Newcomer
Jun 18, 2017


Years of Mono


Jack Everadon

Monolith Senior
Jul 2, 2017


Years of Mono

Good to see some old-style orgs coming back. Nice job.


Monolith Veteran
Jun 26, 2017


Years of Mono

Very Nice , Best org post by far.


Monolith Newcomer
Jun 13, 2017


Years of Mono

If my change my name to Gavioli Ravioli can I join?


Monolith Senior
Dec 29, 2017


Years of Mono

Is this the new Luciano's?


Monolith Pleb
Jul 12, 2017


Years of Mono

Like to see my boy Danny Devito out there getting work done.


Monolith Newcomer
Jun 15, 2017


Years of Mono

Is this the new Luciano's?
Sort of. A lot of former Luciano members are apart of this organization now. I was the original Don of the Lucianos but Joseph Moretti was the acting Don and deserves way more credit, we're both apart of it.


Monolith Newcomer
Jun 15, 2017


Years of Mono

the picture of tyler monster dead, you literally got fragged by me a couple of seconds after if that's the picture I'm thinking of lmao.
No offense, but did a 4 year old come up with your org name? Just wondering.


Monolith Senior
Dec 29, 2017


Years of Mono

You are the worst org i ever saw lmao. About 1-2 days back you wanted to "buy guns from me", at casino. You were 6-8 with guns against me and mugged me, you shot me up then 3 cops arrived and shot you all up. You are so noob lmao, cant even raid solo you always come with a horde on 1.

About the page its nice but i fucking hate 90's
Please no Shit posting Ben do not give us a bad rep i have respect for these guys and perhaps we can have some relations in the future


Monolith Grinder
Jul 11, 2017


Years of Mono

Been waiting for a mob-type org like this for a while now, nice to see it happen.


Monolith Veteran
Jun 26, 2017


Years of Mono

nope, just a knock off
We don’t play on the server anymore , sorry we were better than your family could ever be. Quit shitposting on a old forum because your angry that we were better than you, we don’t care about your gametracker kills or how many hours you’ve been on here we don’t care. Don’t respond to the forum.


Jul 31, 2017


Years of Mono

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