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  1. Don't Lewd the Loli's

    My Refund Request

    @Tyler i think an EMS minged grab it...
  2. Don't Lewd the Loli's

    My Refund Request

    In-Game Name: Valentino Snow Steam Name: Don't Lewd the Lolis SteamID: STEAM_1:1:34525203 Date and time of loss: 1:54 PM 3/31/2018 What happened: I was in a bank robbery, and the police failed to value the hostages' life What do you need refunded: KSG with a tundra barrel suppressed, and a...
  3. Don't Lewd the Loli's

    Ban Appeal

    Your Steam Name: Don't Lewd the Lolis Your Steam STEAM_1:1:34525203 Your Character Name: Valentino Snow Ban Length: 1 Day Banning Staff Member @Hisoka Ban Reason: I was Banned for Leaving Roleplay, I'm truly sorry for leaving roleplay, it was my time when my mom came back from the hospital...
  4. Don't Lewd the Loli's

    My Refund Request

    In-Game Name Valentino Snow Steam Name Don't Lewd the Lolis SteamID: Date and time of loss: 10:12 What happened I was in a sit, because I robbed the bank and the moderator said that one of the officers failed to value the hostage's life, and I had to...
  5. Don't Lewd the Loli's

    Somebody trying to VDM me

    Your Steam Name: Don't Lewd the Lolis Your Steam ID: Your Character Name: John Conner Target Steam Name: Volcan Target SteamID: Target Character Name (if known): Bob Ceno Request reason: o, there is a person that was VDMING me, so I recorded it...