Steam Name: Kohacc
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from STEAM_0:0:20992816
Your Character Name: Tom Mowgelfox
Ban Length: 3 days (2 days, 7 hours remaining)
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @heyitskev
Unban Reason:
Me and @Dustman259 were in the apartments above the taxi-bureau when were minding our own business and showing of guns when the police suddenly began knocking the door. A shootout began suddenly back and forth, where 2 officers died and more are on the way to the apartments now. We hear a guy calling the apartmentnumber on the policeradio "They are in 174" - in reality we were now hiding in 172. We shot the guy and then more officers came. We shot more through the doors at each other when an officer said "Look, we gotta hurry before they jump the balcony".
Seeing we were now out of all the ammo we've got, we decided to take that as an "accept" to our suicide and therefore took the leap of faith to our death down below.
Afterwards I revived in the hospital - surprised to see my gun was still intact and then I took a stroll for the bank to deposit my gun again as the gun wasn't stolen and NLR active.
We had like 0.5 hour playtime after the incident occurred and did not think that we've left with the intention to avoid neither RP, nor punishment.
Actually I recall my game ended just before a cartheft because of a gamecrash again.
Time of Occurrence: 01.50.00 - 04/17/2022
Additional members involved/witnessing: @Dustman259
Read, understood and followed ban appeal rules?: Yes
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from STEAM_0:0:20992816
Your Character Name: Tom Mowgelfox
Ban Length: 3 days (2 days, 7 hours remaining)
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @heyitskev
Unban Reason:
Me and @Dustman259 were in the apartments above the taxi-bureau when were minding our own business and showing of guns when the police suddenly began knocking the door. A shootout began suddenly back and forth, where 2 officers died and more are on the way to the apartments now. We hear a guy calling the apartmentnumber on the policeradio "They are in 174" - in reality we were now hiding in 172. We shot the guy and then more officers came. We shot more through the doors at each other when an officer said "Look, we gotta hurry before they jump the balcony".
Seeing we were now out of all the ammo we've got, we decided to take that as an "accept" to our suicide and therefore took the leap of faith to our death down below.
Afterwards I revived in the hospital - surprised to see my gun was still intact and then I took a stroll for the bank to deposit my gun again as the gun wasn't stolen and NLR active.
We had like 0.5 hour playtime after the incident occurred and did not think that we've left with the intention to avoid neither RP, nor punishment.
Actually I recall my game ended just before a cartheft because of a gamecrash again.
Time of Occurrence: 01.50.00 - 04/17/2022
Additional members involved/witnessing: @Dustman259
Read, understood and followed ban appeal rules?: Yes