Your Steam Name: that silly goose
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155562852
Your Character Name (If Applicable): David Lewis
Admin being reported( Tag by writing @ before their forum name) @tazdevil532
Reason for Report: Picking sides in a sit, I was in arresting his friend "friend" then he teleported to us and didn't let me arrest him or finish rp, he then grabs my friend Rob Monster - Theloser27 and puts him in a corner then we are sprayed down by people in the prison and instead of reviving us because we were in a sit he calls it off.
Time of Occurrence: 12:30 Est
Evidence to support your claim: Https://
Additional members involved/witnessing: @TheLoser27 - Rob Monster
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155562852
Your Character Name (If Applicable): David Lewis
Admin being reported( Tag by writing @ before their forum name) @tazdevil532
Reason for Report: Picking sides in a sit, I was in arresting his friend "friend" then he teleported to us and didn't let me arrest him or finish rp, he then grabs my friend Rob Monster - Theloser27 and puts him in a corner then we are sprayed down by people in the prison and instead of reviving us because we were in a sit he calls it off.
Time of Occurrence: 12:30 Est
Evidence to support your claim: Https://
Additional members involved/witnessing: @TheLoser27 - Rob Monster