Recent content by Mustafa

  1. Mustafa

    Russian Mafia (Русская Мафия)

    Net Worth: with guns cars and boat I would say 500k Chemistry Level:0 I make guns I can produce up to deagles and soon even more Owned Vehicles: BMW 1995 if you ask why its my favorite car Player Level: 120 Farming above 52 mining: I can mine any thing
  2. Mustafa

    Sorry I had no chance to respond to Lola Meid as it was closed to fast (Disregard as it is only my response because I could find Lola to send it)

    @Lola Meid 1. immature name? It's my clan name. You might as well hunt us all down at this point. Call a witch hunt and bring the Inquisition, bring the torches and pikes. To be honest I still dont see what is wrong with the name you are the first person that I've ever met that thinks my name...
  3. Mustafa

    Report on Lola Meid

    Your Steam Name: Lord Bouba3652 Your Steam ID: Your Character Name (If Applicable): Mustafa Well he/it changed my name so idk my new name Admin being reported: @Lola Meid Reason for Report: Changing my name out of the blue with no reason...
  4. Mustafa

    The Floridians

    Name: Mustafa Likaweewee Steam Name: Lord Bouba3652 Player Level: 62 Current Wealth: $200,000 Current Organization: Legion of Bruh, but they died out never seen them on Why should I accept you (paragraph minimum). The reason why you should accept me are the following. I play on the server on a...