Recent content by nice_sandwich1

  1. nice_sandwich1

    Ban Appeal

    Steam Name: NiceSandwich Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from 76561199082227848 Your Character Name: Ching Cho Ban Length: Started at 6 months, was later increased to a year half way through the ban. Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Marwan Ban...
  2. nice_sandwich1

    Ban Appeal

    Steam Name: NiceSandwich Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from '][U:1:1121962120] Your Character Name: Ching Cho Ban Length: 1 Month Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Marwan Ban Reason: Mass Prop-push and NITRP Unban Reason: I know what I have...
  3. nice_sandwich1

    Refund Request

    In-Game Name: Ching Cho Steam Name: NiceSandwich SteamID: 76561199082227848 Date and time of loss: Today, 2pm-3pm PDT What happened: I was RDMD at Jewelry. All my friends that got RDMD and got their stuff back, but I didn't because I missed the Sit. @Thegamingshain What do you need...
  4. nice_sandwich1

    Ban Appeal

    Steam Name: NiceSandwich Your SteamID32: 76561199082227848 Your Character Name: Ching Cho Ban Length: 2 days Banning Staff Member: @misterlol29 Ban Reason: Prop kill Unban Reason: I'm sorry for what I did, my goal wasn't to kill anybody, it was supposed to be a harmless joke, I don't think...
  5. nice_sandwich1

    Ching Cho/NIceSandwich Refund Request

    In-Game Name: Ching Cho Steam Name: NiceSandwich SteamID: 76561199082227848 Date and Time of Loss (specify the time zone): 5:22 CST What happened: Me and my friends, (Jerri Ferris and Quinn Valentino) went out to raid some people in a Cabin in Layer 2. It went well, but some implications caused...