Recent content by robertsoliver932

  1. robertsoliver932

    Skojenmeister & Thegamingshain Staff Report

    I never said it was agents the rules I gave my opinion on a matter I was highly involved in, I believe that the staff members had every right todo what they did as they were handling the situation without fighting with police to stop raiding and you lot to not shoot, we could not get up to you...
  2. robertsoliver932

    Skojenmeister & Thegamingshain Staff Report

    I was apart of the raid, as we were getting ready outside you were pushing the props about, when I’m guessing they were removing your props you were still shooting at us throw wall so I don’t see the problem? after the raid and we entered the property we found towers of I think printers?? That...
  3. robertsoliver932

    FRP/Job abuse/false demoting.

    First off, never PMed you show me that I’ll take it back but I never two at the time which you clear don’t understand is that I was lost, has you were like a brain dead zombies as when I tried to speak to you, you blanked me. Third I asked I did not complain if I complained I would have said it...
  4. robertsoliver932

    FRP/Job abuse/false demoting.

    Also adding this, how you spoke to me hear was completely inappropriate you don’t know me I’ve never even spoke to you I think, so you by seeing me taze one guy makes you know me and see a complete story about me your completely out of line. I don’t care if your pissed about me reporting it or...
  5. robertsoliver932

    FRP/Job abuse/false demoting.

    I was not going to show them but you are clearly unprofessional if you speak to people like this.
  6. robertsoliver932

    FRP/Job abuse/false demoting.

    Now adding that he is not very respectful and not willing to talk to people asking very basic questions and shown here in this report the report was made bc at the time I believe he abuse now that was cleared, but when tried to speak to said member he is very unfriendly and unprofessional as if...
  7. robertsoliver932

    False blacklist (no reason)

    Your Steam Name: Robertsoliver932 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:424194064 Your Character Name: Oliver Roberts Which Staff blacklisted you: Agram (but hes done it form someone else) What were you blacklisted from: Police. Blacklist Length: 1 week Blacklist Reason: I Have know Idea the only thing I...
  8. robertsoliver932

    FRP/Job abuse/false demoting.

    To be honest you still not answering questions asked to you proving my points, I askedI would like to also know what you mean by PD recorded and you have not answered which to me say you have not read what I have posted and you have answered as what you answered it the first line showing how...
  9. robertsoliver932

    FRP/Job abuse/false demoting.

    all I can say is that if you thing someone abusing a job you talk to them not change job and deal with it your self bc you can’t be assed to complain or talk to them which was very clear as you never attempted to answer any questions asked by me or another officer, clear you just joined to have...
  10. robertsoliver932

    FRP/Job abuse/false demoting.

    I believe you only saw a fraction of what was happening and changed jobs to deal with it instead of contacting or dealing with it out of rp you joined the police and decided to demote me , I be leave that is job abuse, as you never asked me anything at all when I was lawfully with the tazze, as...
  11. robertsoliver932

    FRP/Job abuse/false demoting.

    When I saw officers were trying to tazze you so I hit you bc they were bad so that was helping an officer for what ever reason they had IDK, second the other one was bc you were in may face having ago saying I had to pay you I tried to move but could as you were blocking me so you were tazzed...
  12. robertsoliver932

    FRP/Job abuse/false demoting.

    Your Steam Name: Robertsoliver932 Your Steam ID: ( ik that’s not an ID but it’s my profile) Your Character Name (If Applicable): Oliver Roberts Admin being reported( Tag by writing @ before their forum name) @xstewart Reason for Report: So a guy was going...
  13. robertsoliver932

    FRP over arresting (arrest time)

    Your Steam Name: Robertsoliver932 Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:424194 Your Character Name: Oliver Roberts Target Steam Name: unknow Target SteamID: STEAM_0:0:484175798 (what i was given anyway \/) Target Character Name (if known): Chad Blocker Request Reason: FRP, tresspass is like 1-2 mins not 11...