Recent content by rock.mp4

  1. rock.mp4

    discord ban appeal

    Steam Name: parkero Your SteamID:76561198271855999 Your Discord-Tag: PARKER#0004 Ban Length: I'm not sure, I'm assuming permanent Ban Reason: This was literally around two years ago, I had gotten warned for something and said "Can someone take my warning away, I've had this for like 4 weeks"...
  2. rock.mp4

    prkr discord ban appeal

    Steam Name: prkr Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:155795135 Your Discord-Tag: pdog#0002 Ban Length: Not sure it happened when I wasn't paying attention Ban Reason: I said jokingly "its been like 4 weeks can I get unwarned" after having been warned for pinging an admin and asking him something he told me...
  3. rock.mp4

    prkr refund request

    In-Game Name: Baron FIsher Steam Name: prkr SteamID: STEAM_0:1:155795135 Date and time of loss: 6:18 pm est 4/15/2020 What happened: server crashed while growing weed What do you need refunded: weed tent, if possible the unheated weed in the tent. Evidence:[/B] pictures I was only able to get...
  4. rock.mp4

    prkr ban appeal

    Steam Name: prkr Your SteamID32:STEAM_0:1:155795135 Your Character Name: Baron Fisher Ban Length: 7 Days Banning Staff Member: @friskiemar Ban Reason: being AFK Unban Reason: I had never even known this was bannable and it said this was my 3rd offense when previously I had never even known...
  5. rock.mp4

    Vehicle Blacklist appeal

    Your Steam Name: prkr Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:155795135 Your Character Name:Baron Fisher Which Staff blacklisted you: Cubic What were you blacklisted from: Vehicles Blacklist Length:3 days Blacklist Reason: Not fully sure Unblacklist Reason: I didn't do anything bad or out of RP Time of...
  6. rock.mp4

    vehicle blacklist appeal

    I recently got blacklisted from vehicles for 3 days because I accidentally hit someone walking on the highway. When I asked a mod what I got blacklisted for they said vehicle rdm and corruption the vehicle RDM was a complete accident and I even made sure the guy I hit was ok. I don't know why it...