Recent content by Standish

  1. Standish

    Hello World!

    Welcome to the community dude! hope you have a wonderful time
  2. Standish

    Refund Request

    I can confirm. KLH was RDMed by an officer which was later on banned for too many warnings.
  3. Standish

    The Goon Squad

    Name: Standish Newman Discord tag: Abi#8426 Player level: 30 Net worth: Around 50,000 Reason to join: It actually feels like a fun org and not just like your normal typical one, and I like that.
  4. Standish


    Welcome back
  5. Standish

    Character creation - Name issue

    That's what I said in my post. Although I must disagree because it doesn't contain any homophobic slurs nor any swear words. In fact, nothing is offensive in the name of s-t-a-n-d-i-s-h. Standish is an English surname formed from Stan and Dish, and neither is even remotely offensive. Although I...
  6. Standish

    Character creation - Name issue

    I'm new to the server. Tried creating a character with the name of Standish but it won't let me. Apparently, the problem is with Dis in Standish. Also, Dic doesn't work (but that's understandable). I went with Standiish for now, because diish works and the same thing goes for diic. Just a small...