Search results

  1. Don Faccia

    Blacklist for Nothing

    Your Steam Name: PINHEAD Your SteamID: Your Character Name: Toni Tefani Which Staff blacklisted you: Not sure What were you blacklisted from: Weapons Blacklist Length: 2 Days Blacklist Reason: Some guy made report on forum, Saying i went through his...
  2. Don Faccia

    Blacklisted for Troll Report

    I was literally playin detective, so how did i kill an officer at his checkpoint? LOL
  3. Don Faccia

    Blacklisted for Troll Report

    Hello, been playing like 40 minutes today, some guy randomly said i went through spike strips and killed him? that never happend lol There is no evidence to support his claim, and now im blacklisted for 2 days! and the admin locked the thread didnt give me a chance to defend my self :(
  4. Don Faccia

    The Stevens

  5. Don Faccia

    The Stevens

    In-Game Name: Toni Tefani Previous Organisations (If Any): Cartel De Jalisco, GMJ, etc..... Your Premium Locker/Bank Inventory (Screenshot): Bank Balance (With Screenshot evidence): Player Level (With Screenshot): Why do you want to join?: Make money with like minded people
  6. Don Faccia

    Bank Raid Refund Request

    In-Game Name: Don Faccia Steam Name: PINHEAD SteamID: STEAM_0:1:18620790 Date and time of loss: 10:30 PM Jan 9 2019 What happened: Fail Rp BANK RAID, Swat and LT Fail RPED @Green Gatorade Water Bottle can confirm What do you need refunded: 1 x Mp5 1x Tundra Barrel/30Round Mag/EcoTech 1x...
  7. Don Faccia

    Refund Request Police Raid

    In-Game Name: Don Faccia Steam Name: PINHEAD SteamID: STEAM_0:1:18620790 Date and time of loss: Jan 9 2019 What happened: Fail Rp Police Raid Voided @Quantum What do you need refunded: Desert Eagle x 1 Pistol Ammo x 1 Evidence: Police Raid Voided @Quantum
  8. Don Faccia

    Refund Request Bank

    In-Game Name: Don Faccia Steam Name: PINHEAD SteamID: STEAM_0:1:18620790 Date and time of loss: Around 10:30-10:45 pm What happened: JANUARY 8 What do you need refunded: Mp5 w/ 30 Round Mag and Ecotech, Compensation for The Bank Raid,We need full compensation We had all stacks of cash from...
  9. Don Faccia

    Don Faccia Refund Request

    i updated it. thanks
  10. Don Faccia

    Don Faccia Refund Request

    In-Game Name: Don Faccia Steam Name: PINHEAD SteamID: STEAM_0:1:18620790 Date and time of loss: 9:35 PM Janurary 3 What happened: The bank situation cops failed to value life, @Angryhalobird handleded the situation What do you need refunded: Evidence: @Angryhalobird handled situation 1 UMP w/...
  11. Don Faccia

    Ban Appeal

    Hello, My IGN is Don Faccia, I'm fairly new to the server, today 3 corrupt cops abused me for around an hour, two Names "Don Chester" and the 2 others i cannot find there names are i was auto-banned. I will explain what happend to me. I had just bought my first car after having to take the mono...