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  1. bihimoffxanz

    My stuff got confiscated out of failrp

    Format: In-Game Name:Daniel Carter Steam Name:ㅇㅅㅇ SteamID:76561197992862430 Date and time of loss:12/1/2018 around 10:00 PM. What happened: Cop cuffed me and confiscated all my things out of failrp, was farming with my friend at the suburbs and this cop randomly tries to force us to open...
  2. bihimoffxanz

    I lost my things while i was disoriented in the woods and I couldn't find them

    Format: In-Game Name: Daniel Carter Steam Name:ㅇㅅㅇ SteamID:[/B/76561197992862430 Date and time of loss: 12/1/2018 around 12:00 midnight What happened: I was around country house 2 with a mini fridge and some chemical powders with a gun, as i was driving and trying to leave in the middle of...