Search results

  1. Feun

    Ban Appeal

    Your Steam Name: Feun Your Steam ID: Your Character Name: Quavo Huncho Ban Length: 3 days Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Aaron Ban Reason: I was getting harassed by these officers that were tasing and killing...
  2. Feun

    Aaron abuse

    Also, he didn't care about what i said at all, and didn't understand the situation so it's kind of hard to explain my side of the story when he says, "You know what i have to say about your story *Banned*".
  3. Feun

    Aaron abuse

    Your Steam Name: Feun Your Steam ID: Your Character Name (If Applicable): Quavo Huncho Admin being reported: (Tag by writing @ before their forum name) @Aaron Reason for Report: Aaron is honestly the most ignorant and abusive mods on...
  4. Feun

    Banned for FTVL

    Steam Name: Feun Steam ID: Character Name: Quavo Huncho Ban Length: 2 days Staff Member who banned me: @Maher Ban Reason: FTVL Time of Occurrence: 10:15p.m. This is completely ridiculous. The reason I was banned was because i was led into a...