Search results

  1. AliTaze

    Refund my weed!

    I forgot to say that the date and time of loss wasn't exactly 19:00 it was around it so probably from 19:00 to 19:06... forgot to check exact time
  2. AliTaze

    Refund my weed!

    In-Game name:Abdi Omaraljafar Steam name:AliTaze Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:51507582 Date and time of loss: 19:00 What happened:I had 12 pots of weed and the server went down... How much do you need refunded: $3000 Evidence:
  3. AliTaze

    Pear refund <3

    n-Game name: Abdi Omar Al Jafar Steam name: AliTaze Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:51507582 Date and time of loss: 20:46 What happened: Growin mah pears and the server went down... What and/or how much do you need refunded: 500 will be fine as they were pretty much done grown... Please and thank you...