Search results

  1. wapo17

    weapon blacklisted

    Your Steam Name: wapavelli Your SteamID: Your Character Name: Bhig Brip Which Staff blacklisted you: @Tru What were you blacklisted from: weapons Blacklist Length: 1 day Blacklist Reason: i was walking down the street talking to a few friends...
  2. wapo17

    ban appeal

    wapavelli akiba noels im not sure how long @Brad @Melody (alternate account) this is false and i am willing to help and situate this as soon as possible Around 11am today thursday,dec. 3
  3. wapo17

    ban appeal

    i have only been playing for 2 or 3 weeks now how can i help you solve this issue because you have the wrong person @PMX @Brad @Melody
  4. wapo17

    @pmx I was falsely banned for a supposed (alternate account that got banned) @brad @melody

    This is impossible this is my first pc also this is my first time having the actual game garrys mod ive only been playing for 2 or 3 weeks now