Search results

  1. VeNiiM

    Refund Request

    In-Game Name: Kimetrius Floose Steam Name: VeNiiM SteamID: 76561198057650958 Date and time of loss: 7:06 pm EST What happened: basically server crashed and I lost my shit. The reason im asking for 10 LSD is because if u look at the picture I had a batch going in the fridge so at minimum I would...
  2. VeNiiM

    Mini fridge refund request

    In-Game Name: Kimetrius Foose Steam Name: VeNiiM SteamID: STEAM_0:0:48692615 Date and time of loss: 10:50pm est What happened: Basically I was making LSD and was cooling one of them off. At the same time I was heating up another and once the one heating up was finished I went into the other...
  3. VeNiiM

    Refund request on server crash

    In-Game Name: Kimetrius Floose Steam Name: VeNiiM SteamID: 76561198057650958 Date and time of loss: 6:30 pm EST What happened: basically server crashed and I lost my shit What do you need refunded: Mini Fridge, Burner, Flask Support Evidence:[/B]...
  4. VeNiiM

    Refund Request

    Format: In-Game Name: Jimmy Wallace Steam Name: James SteamID: STEAM_0:1:150739491 Date and time of loss: around 2:40pm EST What happened: Basically my friend bought a bunch of chemicals and they ended up disappearing and never going into his inventory. What do you need refunded: 40 Chemical...
  5. VeNiiM

    Refund Request Five-Seven

    In-Game Name: Kimetrius Foose Steam Name: VeNiiM SteamID: STEAM_0:0:48692615 Date and time of loss: 3/5/19 12pm EST What happened: Me and my friend went to a talent show last night and when we were there we stored our firearms inside of my car. Halfway through my game crashed and we both lost...
  6. VeNiiM

    Refund Request 3/1/19 This is really the only evidence I have and its from a rp situation I was recording yesterday. I know this isn't the best evidence but its the only thing that I have to show that I was growing...
  7. VeNiiM

    Refund Request 3/1/19

    In-Game Name: Kimetrius Foose Steam Name: VeNiiM SteamID: STEAM_0:0:48692615 Date and time of loss: 2/28/19 10:40pm EST What happened: Basically I spent around 5-6 hours yesterday grinding out weed. I was renting out a house but after I was down growing I wanted to stop paying for my house...
  8. VeNiiM

    Ban Appeal 2/25/19

    @Banshee I don't know where you see that I wasn't valuing my life, I was behind several cars and at least 20yds behind the cops. Ill have you know RP wise all me and my friend do is write for the local newspaper at the moment, we devote all our time to it and will get into the front lines if...
  9. VeNiiM

    Ban Appeal 2/25/19

    Your Steam Name: VeNiiM Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:48692615 Your Character Name: Kimetrius Foose Ban Length: 1d Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Stuvi Ban Reason: FTVL Unban Reason: me and my friend were roleplaying as newreporters going to question the police on...