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  1. Cr00ve

    Manny Brooks / Matt Rea fail cops

    I already explained to many people who play Secret Service, I passed by that situation while Toaster was dealing the admin sit. - "You may not carry your weapon in public unless the mayor is in danger. The mere potential of danger is not sufficient." - Whoever one of them claimed they are...
  2. Cr00ve

    Staff Report on Cr00ve

    The first warning was generally given in OOC, Several of times. You did not screenshot the warnings i gave before the chat messages in the evidence you provided. - You were either obviously aware of this or did not see it in chat, which is also possible yes.... But that doesn't make up what you...
  3. Cr00ve


    1. I let the guy go with mic spam when i arrived, simply cause there wasn't anyone other players nearby. 2. There has been many reports that could be easly been roleplayed including yours. 3. And after at the end of your video as you know i revived the guy for once, while usually you'd be...
  4. Cr00ve

    Cr00ve Report

    Its clear that i perhaps shouldn't of used the /ad that way ... you are right..... but that doesn't mean that people need to tell others how to behave on the server, there are admins enough for a reason..... all you had to do is make a report, since i was involved, i wouldn't respond to the...
  5. Cr00ve

    Mugged at Casino?

    In this case you're report is absolute valid As casino is a green zone, people shouldn't be harming people inside the casino aswell as its a public area IRL would be crowded with alot of people, so it shouldn't be a place to mug someone, and the failrp from his side using "F2" instead of "hands...
  6. Cr00ve

    My Things Just Got Deleted -- whiteblood

    You'll have to make a proper format for this to be dealt with. As i explained to you ingame.
  7. Cr00ve

    Report on CrOOve

    In the meantime there has been discussions about the role of "SWAT" But before i start about that, i want to point out, yet again, I haven't been the one demoting you, All i did is confront you with the issue... - As it was a someone else demoting you.. @Hazza ... Now the rule that we spoke...
  8. Cr00ve

    Damian Sanchez - Player Report

    - Damian's Mic could of been cut off - Clearly ToxiChilleR entered his property. - Not clear from logs cause i couldn't see so far back on the logs but Damian did claim NLR on you. which he should of called an admin for quicker. - FearRP should always be respected aswell. Also. - I personally...