Search results

  1. Necrox

    RR - Necrox

    In-Game Name: Tony Pulini Steam Name: Necrox SteamID: STEAM_0:0:12081170 Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): 7:19:08 PM Central What happened: A cheater raided our base and later got banned. What do you need refunded: 1x Kev & Helm 1x Thompson 30x LSD Evidence: @Afash Read...
  2. Necrox

    Necrox ban appeal o/

    To make it clear, if the game didnt crash I wouldnt have left therefore I'd like to be unbanned ty :)
  3. Necrox

    Necrox ban appeal o/

    Steam Name: Necrox Your SteamID: 76561197984428068 Your Character Name: Tony Pulini Ban Length: 1 day Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Auto ban Ban Reason: Disconnected while dead. Unban Reason: Game crashed after I died. Time of Occurrence: 1:40AM PST Additional...