Search results

  1. Mercy sky

    weapons blacklist appeal

    Your Steam Name: Havemercyka Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42593420 Your Character Name: Charlotte topez Which Staff blacklisted you: Jacub What were you blacklisted from: weapons Blacklist Length: 3 days Blacklist Reason: no reason written Unblacklist Reason: i dont think that it should've been a...
  2. Mercy sky

    SomebodyEpic's WeaponsMart

    Name: mercy sky Order: 1 ACR-E Price: 22,500 Timezone: GMT+1 Organisation: BBB (battle bus bitches) Notes: with a aimpoint and a saker
  3. Mercy sky

    SomebodyEpic's WeaponsMart

    Name: Mercy sky Order: 2 ACR-E's Price: 47,100 Timezone: GMT+1 Organisation: Battle Bus Bitches Notes: both with foregrip and aimpoint
  4. Mercy sky

    Ban appeal

    Steam name: Havemercy SteamID32:[U:1:85186840] character name: Mercy Sky Ban length:1Day Banning staff member: Console Ban reason: Leaving during Rp situation Unban reason:i disconnected after a person rammed and killed me because i hadn't realized that i was dead already because it was late...