Search results

  1. Ingunner

    Mugging Near NPC's

    I did not know their was an NPC there as for the legal item it was 1 ammo and i thought you could take that. Also the people you are in discord with were on the server at that time i recognize one of there voices
  2. Ingunner

    Need a refund

    In-Game Name:Gunna Gunger Steam Name:Ingunner SteamID:STEAM_0:1:64619247 Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): 8:17am What happened:I was refunded the wrong thing from a prior request where i was killed and it was voided by TXFURRYDUDE because I got killed when i put my hands up. And...
  3. Ingunner

    Need Refund

    In-Game Name: Gunna Gunger Steam Name:Ingunner SteamID:STEAM_0:1:64619247 Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): roughly 12:30est What happened: A cop told me to put hands up and shot me anyway when I put my hands up What do you need refunded: 50 Weed Hash Evidence: TXFURRYDUDE (Admin)...
  4. Ingunner

    Ingunner's refund

    In-Game name: Blaine Godwin Steam name: Ingunner [Lith] Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:64619247 Date and time of loss: 6\20\2017 What happened: I was getting RDMED over and over so i lost almost all my money i am at around 320 What and/or how much do you need refunded: 5000 Evidence: I have none. One of...