Search results

  1. doobiebro


    In-Game Name: Mike Palman Steam Name: Doobiebro SteamID: 76561198405231416 Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): 5/18/21 CDT 4:30 ish What happened: I Was detective at the time pulled up to the scene as requested by assistant chief due to being crowded by civilians on a routine stop...
  2. doobiebro

    Ban Appeal

    P.S. i would also like to attend in the alien invasion! Much love Noobie Mike!
  3. doobiebro

    Ban Appeal

    Steam Name: Doobiebro Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from 76561198405231416 Your Character Name: Mike Palman Ban Length: 7hrs left Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Console Ban Reason: DC while dead Unban Reason: N/S Time...