Search results

  1. Swig

    Saverio Bendetti ban appeal

    Steam Name: Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from Your Character Name: Saverio Bendetti Ban Length: 24 Hours Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Automatic Ban Ban Reason: Leaving while dead Unban...
  2. Swig


    NVM unbanned
  3. Swig


    Your Steam Name: Swig Your Steam ID: 76561198286790825 Your Character Name: john swig Ban Length: 18 hours Banning Staff Member @WhiteBlood Ban Reason: Logging to avoid jail Time of Occurrence: 7:30(ish) EST Relevant Evidence: 2 of my friends saw the whole false arrest Additional members...
  4. Swig


    Your Steam Name: Swig Your Steam ID: 76561198286790825 Your Character Name: john swig Ban Length: 2 days Banning Staff Member @WhiteBlood Ban Reason: Logging to avoid jail Time of Occurrence: 7:30(ish) EST Relevant Evidence: 2 of my friends saw the whole false arrest Additional members...
  5. Swig


    @Swift okay, thanks I made a new one
  6. Swig


    note: this would mean a lot if I got unbanned because this is all I play all day
  7. Swig


    Your Steam Name: Swig Your Steam ID: 76561198286790825 Your Character Name: john swig Ban Length: 2 days Banning Staff Member don't remember Ban Reason: Logging to avoid jail Time of Occurrence: 7:30(ish) EST Relevant Evidence: 2 of my friends saw the whole false arrest Additional members...
  8. Swig


    Hello monolith staff team, I know this isn't exactly the format but here I go. so my friend was driving his car and he was getting pulled over, he was planning to go to the medical center and than I would take the car and drive back to the house. so we pulled over really close to the medical...