Search results

  1. Xannies

    My Response

  2. Xannies

    Ban Appeal

    Your Steam Name: Xannies Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:187237602 Your Character Name: Frank Vatatta Ban Length: Permanent Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Ban Reason: Using ESP/hacking Time of Occurrence: Several Months Ago (beginning of September) Relevant Evidence...
  3. Xannies

    Ban appeal Hacking?

    Your Steam Name: Xannies Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:187237602 Your Character Name: Frank Vatatta Ban Length: Permanent Banning Staff Member (@Jordy♥ ): Ban Reason: Hacking Time of Occurrence: 9/26/2017 2:26pm Relevant Evidence: none Additional members involved/witnessing: fellow officers online...
  4. Xannies

    Lost my fridge

    In-Game name: Frank Vatatta Steam name: Xannies Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:187237602 Date and time of loss: 9/15/2017 What happened: Server froze How much do you need refunded: 19k Evidence: Update: I'm buying a fridge now can an...
  5. Xannies

    Ford Shellby 500 Paintjob failure

    In-Game name: Frank Vatatta Steam name: Xannies Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:187237602 Date and time of loss: 9/1/2017 6:09am What happened: Accidentally got no paint job on my card, I know its not a big deal, but if possible would like a refund to not have a bland car. How much do you need refunded...
  6. Xannies

    Report Frank

    That's just how you view it and think. That night I was using mobile hot spot (wifi went out), and I guess somehow with the fire my frames pooped, and so did my connection? Which rarely happens when I use my phone wifi.
  7. Xannies

    Report Frank

    Crashed into the fire, and was experiencing severe lag, ended up dying in the fire. Attempted to find him afterwards, and couldn't.