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  1. Kenny

    faze ming ban appeal

    Perhaps I should have brought a witness from your side of the story regardless of whether him being your friend or not, but I'm still not buying your excuse. Even if they were in the road, you should have realized after killing the first person, that you needed to drive more carefully...
  2. Kenny

    Joint Refund (Organization Grinding)

    I can vouch for the second VDM incident, I saw it happen and the VDMer was dealt with swiftly by Hawke.
  3. Kenny

    faze ming ban appeal

    Shoot, nobody tagged me so I didn't see this. Regardless, here's my side of the story. You were banned for VDMx3, failRP, and lying to a staff member. When I teleported you to my location and asked you about it, you said you did not kill anybody and did not act very seriously in the sit. I...
  4. Kenny

    The Big Update
