Search results

  1. Bicked Nick

    Nick Bick Appeal

    Steam Name: Crash God Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:64561207 Your Character Name: Nick Bick Ban Length: 1 Day Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Automatic Ban Reason: Leaving while restrained Unban Reason: I left while restrained because I was left in the holding cell of...
  2. Bicked Nick

    Nick Bick's Ban Appeal

    Steam Name: Crash God Your SteamID: Your Character Name: Nick Bick Ban Length: 2 Days Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @SCOTTISH Ban Reason: NITRP | FailRP Unban Reason: I was banned for the aforementioned reasons, which I am sorry of. Before being banned I had...
  3. Bicked Nick

    Nick Bick Appeal

    My specific details may be foggy, as it was my brother who was playing, but from what i can recall, he was VDMing people and driving recklessly, which I have also done before. After my brother got banned, I got on the server maybe an hour or two later, to find I was banned.
  4. Bicked Nick

    Nick Bick Appeal

    I edited it to have the admin, I don't know however how to get my Steam ID.
  5. Bicked Nick

    Nick Bick Appeal

    Your Steam Name: Drunk Tree Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:64561207 Your Character Name: Nick Bick Ban Length: 1 month, 3 weeks, and 5 days. (1 month, 1 week, and 4 days are left) Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Aaron Ban Reason: No Intent to RP/Troll/LTAP. Time of...
  6. Bicked Nick

    Nick Bick Appeal

    So is my ban appeal accepted or not?
  7. Bicked Nick

    Nick Bick Appeal

    Edited, look at this again please.
  8. Bicked Nick

    Nick Bick Appeal

    Your Steam Name: Drunk Tree Your Steam ID: Your Character Name: Nick Bick Ban Length: 3 days Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @DevulTj Ban Reason: VDM, I ran over a few people and a few objects at night, as I was...
  9. Bicked Nick

    Nick Bick's blacklist appeal

    Anyone going to respond?
  10. Bicked Nick

    Nick Bick's blacklist appeal

    Your Steam Name: Drunk Tree Your Steam ID: Your Character Name: Nick Bick Which Admin blacklisted you: Forgot What were you blacklisted from: Taco Bell Driver Blacklist Reason: I ran over a few people armed with guns, the reason I ran over them...