Search results

  1. WarrioR

    Jewelry Raid RR

    In-Game Name: Johnnie Walker Steam Name: WarrioRR SteamID: STEAM_0:1:118284768 Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): 10-20-2021 1:40am EST What happened: FTVL, police made entry against Chief's orders during hostage situation in jewelry raid What do you need refunded: 1x KSG (HK...
  2. WarrioR

    Resource refund request

    In-Game Name: Johnnie Walker Steam Name: WarrioRR SteamID: 76561198196835265 Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): 10/10/2021 2:10-2:20 AM EST What happened: I was cooking up my materials and crashed out of nowhere What do you need refunded: 320 Iron ore, 48 iron chunks, 64 coal ore...
  3. WarrioR

    WarrioRR ban appeal

    Steam Name: WarrioRR Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:118284768 Your Character Name: Johnnie Walker Ban Length: 1 week Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Spartandan3k Ban Reason: Racial Slurs Unban Reason: I don't have the nicest vocabulary and I can understand that I need...
  4. WarrioR

    Veira Family

    In Game Name: Johnnie Walker Bank Screenshots: Bank running dry since I havent played in a bit and havent rebought premium Skills/Level Screenshots: Previous Organizations: Mayers Refers (If you...
  5. WarrioR

    Backwood rebels

    In game Name : Johnnie Walker Age: 16 Player Level : 182 Skill level (Screenshot pref): 99 MetalWorking, 99 Mining, 99 Crafting, 99 Woodcutting Bank Account or valuables (Screenshot pref): Lykan Hypersport, High value guns. Why do you want to join: Power
  6. WarrioR

    Cadet Blacklist

    Your Steam Name: WarrioR Your Steam ID: 76561198196835265 Your Character Name: Johnnie Walker Which Admin blacklisted you: SpaceCowboy What were you blacklisted from: Police Cadet Blacklist Reason: False Tickets Time of Occurrence: 11:17 PM EST Relevant Evidence: Additional members...
  7. WarrioR

    Italian Mafia

    In-game name: Johnnie Walker Any past organizations? If so, state them: Mayer's Inc./ Steez Mafia What are your skill levels + player level? [Provide Screenshots]: Max Crafting and Metal working, 84 Mining, 80 Woodcutting. Screenshot of levels...
  8. WarrioR

    24 Hour Ban

    So what would it take for this appeal to get accepted cause all I want to do right now is just get back on the server and continue the grind.
  9. WarrioR

    24 Hour Ban

    I understand that I did break a rule, but I didn't know that was a rule that I had to follow, like every other DarkRP server I killed the people that was on the scene of where I was raiding and I haven't really raided yet on this server only other time was when PD was completely empty and I just...
  10. WarrioR

    24 Hour Ban

    I completely understand that part, hence the reason why I called EMS.
  11. WarrioR

    24 Hour Ban

    Yes I understand that, but I know for a fact he was a detective then he changed to swat, and when I see him as a ciivilian again in PD in front of the NPC I expected or kinda knew he was a detective.
  12. WarrioR

    24 Hour Ban

    @HiddenBush Nothing Im just putting everything I have involving the situation itself.
  13. WarrioR

    24 Hour Ban

    Your Steam Name: WarrioR Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:118284768 Your Character Name: Johnnie Walker Ban Length: 24 hours Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @HiddenBush Ban Reason: RDM Time of Occurrence: Around 7:15 PM EST Relevant Evidence: The Sit itself------>...
  14. WarrioR

    Lost 3 metalworking benches and 24 copper bars on crash.

    In-Game name: Johnnie Walker Steam name: WarrioR Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:118284768 Date and time of loss: 12/27/17 1:59 PM EST What happened: I was crafting copper bars and server crashed. How much do you need refunded: 3 Metal Working tables and 8 copper bars, The last 8 I collected rolled back...
  15. WarrioR

    Lost 3 Metalworking benches and 24 iron bars in said benches due to crash

    In-Game name: Johnnie Walker Steam name: WarrioR Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:118284768 Date and time of loss: 10:24 What happened: I was in 325 Grif Apt. 5 and I had 3 metal working benches down and each of those benches had 8 iron bars in them, I did take screenshots of the bars at crashing time since...
  16. WarrioR

    Lost 4 12 gauge

    In-Game name: Johnnie Walker Steam name: WarrioR Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:118284768 Date and time of loss: 9:30 What happened: My buddy put down a metalworking table I craft something and my buddy picks it back up with the materials inside, @OTXKU allowed me to make this request as long as I...
  17. WarrioR

    Messed up entities

    In-Game name: Johnnie Walker Steam name: WarrioR Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:118284768 Date and time of loss: 12/20/2017 5:05 PM EST What happened: I marketed a fridge and it gliched How much do you need refunded: 1 Mini Fridge Evidence: @DystopianRaven
  18. WarrioR

    All my entities disappeared at once.

    Thank you @Tim Transworth
  19. WarrioR

    All my entities disappeared at once.

    In-Game name: Johnnie Walker Steam name: WarrioR Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:118284768 Date and time of loss: 12/18/2017 5:30 PM Est. What happened: My 3 Metal working benches, Music radio, and car all disappear at the same time. How much do you need refunded: I had a Radio, 3 Metal working tables...
  20. WarrioR

    Server Crash

    In-Game name: Johnnie Walker Steam name: WarrioR Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:118284768 Date and time of loss: 12/10/2017 12:20 ish What happened: I just lost 3 Crafing stations and 96 Plastic chunks from the crash. How much do you need refunded: 3 Crafting Stations and 96 plastic chunks Evidence...