Search results

  1. Senpai Foxy

    Server crash

    In-Game Name: Tony Angelov Steam Name: Senpai Foxy SteamID:STEAM_1:0:145555336 Date and time of loss: 08/09/2018 00:24 am eest What happened:The server crashed What do you need refunded:Radio controller,2x radio,black board,2x cooking stove...
  2. Senpai Foxy

    lost stuff

    Tony Angelov In-Game Name: Steam Name:Senpai Foxy SteamID: STEAM_1:0:145555336 Date and time of loss: 3:33 am eest What happened:The server crashed again What do you need refunded:Radio controller,2x radio,2x cooking stove and blackboard Evidence:1...
  3. Senpai Foxy

    Lost stuff

    Tony Angelov In-Game Name Steam Name:Senpai Foxy SteamID: Date and time of loss:07/09/2018 time:01:10am eest What happened:The server crashed What do you need refunded:radio controller,2x radio,2x cooking stove Evidence:1...
  4. Senpai Foxy


    Your Steam Name: Senpai Foxy Your Steam ID: 76561198251376400 Your Character Name: Tony Angelov Ban Length: 00:29 EET Banning Staff Member @Tyler Ban Reason: Combat logging Time of Occurrence: 2 days Relevant Evidence: No evidence Additional members involved/witnessing: i escaped from one...