Search results

  1. Icey

    Kent is a Bad Boy

    Yes it is a meme
  2. Icey

    Kent is a Bad Boy

    Your Steam Name: Icey Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:422824889 Your Character Name (If Applicable): Curt Fungus Admin being reported: (Tag by writing @ before their forum name) @Kent Reason for Report: ERP and verbal abuse against players Time of Occurrence: 4:14 PM AEDT Evidence to support your...
  3. Icey

    The Floridians

    Name: Curt Fungus Steam Name: Icey Player Level: Currently lvl 50 Current Wealth: 46k+ Current Organization: None Why should I accept you (paragraph minimum). You should accept me because I am very active, loyal and will always be there even in shootouts. I am experienced with defending and...