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  1. im new

    Jack Kyoto - Refund Request

    In-Game Name: Jack Kyoto Steam Name: Jew SteamID: STEAM_0:0:11101 Date and time of loss: 4/22/18 around 7:20 us standard time What happened: Server crashed lost a fridge and the burner What do you need refunded: Fridge 19000 Compact burner 1090 Evidence...
  2. im new

    Jack Kyoto Ban Appeal

  3. im new

    Jack Kyoto Ban Appeal

    well why was my ban changed to permanent @BenjiMW
  4. im new

    Jack Kyoto Ban Appeal

    i understand that but it was chaged to a perment
  5. im new

    Jack Kyoto - no intent to Rp

    Your Steam Name: Jack Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:105097729 Your Character Name (If Applicable): Jack Ban Length: Permanent (was 1 day but got randomly upgraded) Admin who banned you: @BenjiMW Ban Reason: No intent To RP Time of Occurrence: IDK Relevant Evidence: N/A Additional members...
  6. im new

    Jack Kyoto Ban Appeal

    Full name of admin who banned me @BenjiMW
  7. im new

    Jack Kyoto Ban Appeal

    Your Steam Name: Jack Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:105097729 Your Character Name (If Applicable): Jack Kyoto Ban Length: 24 Hours Admin who banned you:Benji Ban Reason: FailRP Time of Occurrence: Around 8-9PM us central Relevant Evidence:none Additional members involved/witnessing: Alex...
  8. im new

    The Big Update

    Is There functionality to the unconscious/critical system? like CPR
  9. im new

    The Big Update

    is there any new illegal ways of making money 