Search results

  1. Heinrich

    Staff Complaint against Larry Gibbons

    If somebody does something wrong, but it wasn't intentional, we can correct that, and let them off with a warning. We have to be willing to be giving people chances here. A lot of times I try to fix the issue at hand rather than laying down the ban hammer on someone. Some staff on here just want...
  2. Heinrich

    Staff Complaint against Larry Gibbons

    Your Steam Name: Heinrich Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26708350 Your Character Name (If Applicable): Devin Clark Admin being reported: STEAM_0:1:26456186 | Larry Gibbons (I couldn't find his forum name). Reason for Report: He suspended someone for 3 days for FailRP and VDM when it should have...
  3. Heinrich

    refund request
  4. Heinrich

    multiple crash refunds
  5. Heinrich

    Lost 12 Pots and 12 dirts
  6. Heinrich

    refund request

    Follow the template or this will be denied.
  7. Heinrich

    Show Your Face
