In-Game Name: John Walsh
Age: 21
Steam Name and ID: PACOS-TACOS 76561198176002823
Org History: BMF and one more a while ago forgot name nothing big
Bank Screenshots Incl. Skill Levels:
Discord Tag: Devin#4266
character name -John Walsh
net worth
what I have to offer- team player will always be first to defend and help other org members
Steam name - PacosTacos
In game name - John Walsh
Bank SS with skills
Why I want to join- looking for a org to base with and genuinely make the overall gameplay experience better
Ingame name: John Walsh
Bank SS:
Garage SS:
-In Character Name John Walsh
-Length on server 1year 6 months
-Reason for Application looking for an active org that bases and has gunplay involved
-Past Organizations polaris brotherhood/ TGU/Saints
-Age 19
Roleplay name: John Walsh
Bank / Levels (screenshot):How long have you been playing for: Why are you applying- just about 1y and a half I'm applying because I would like to have in-game friends and a gang I can do stuff with and help improve my gameplay experience
Past Organizations: TGU
Are you...
Name: John Walsh
Bank Screenshot:20191118124333_1.jpg
Skills Screenshot:20191118123252_1.jpg
Player level: 161
just put an order in for more primaries never really had much of a use for them since it has been a while since
I've been in an org
In-Game Name: John Walsh
Date and time of loss:11/11/19
What happened:cops killed us while raiding
What do you need refunded:1x degal 1x kevlar 2x pistol ammo
evidence @MUGJUG
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