STEAM_0:1:70678696 is what I get from that site also, I am on mobile right now, I can look into it a little later in the day, is the steam 64 or anything? Or just steam id
In-Game Name: Ryan Antonio
Steam Name: Ryan1234
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:70678696 is what says
Date and time of loss: 5:46 Arizona time, 9/6
What happened: Server crashed and I lost some lsd supplies
What do you need refunded: A fridge, a flask, a propane tank, a chemichal powder, a...
In-Game Name: Ryan Antonio
Steam Name: Ryan1234
SteamID: STEAM_1:1:70678696
Date and time of loss: about 3:20 Arizona time on 9/5
What happened: When I entered the new garage system, I could not enter it or do anything with it, when I clicked on my car it instantly sold it with no confirmation...
Character Name : Ryan Antonio
Playerlevel? 91
Are you capable of being mature? (Y/N) Yes
Are you capable of following orders (Y/N) YEs
You are aware that this is a very serious organization, you must ALWAYS follow the chain of command, and speak to those above you to up most respect. Do you...
In-Game Name: Ryan Antonio
Steam Name: Ryan1234
SteamID: STEAM_1:1:70678696
Date and time of loss: August 19, 2:52 Arizona Time
What happened: I was making steel and my car, workbench and full forge and grinder dissapeered without crash
What do you need refunded: Storage box, convayor belt...
Character Name : Ryan Antonio
Playerlevel? ( ) 68
Are you capable of being mature? (Y/N) Yes
Are you capable of following orders (Y/N) Yes
You are aware that this is a very serious organization, you must ALWAYS follow the chain of command, and speak to those above you to up most respect. Do...
Character name:Ryan Antonio
Steam name: ryan1234
Why should we select you?: I am a very active player and am friends with many people in the org, I am a decent level and a good player. I was refered by Dan Flux
Previous Organization(s): Vice lords
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