Search results

  1. Bobo

    Refund Request - Thaddeus Freeman

    Format: In-Game Name: Thaddeus Freeman Steam Name: ok SteamID: 76561198042478170 Date and time of loss: ~8:45 PM CST 4/17/2020 What happened: Bought premium, then bought a fuzzy afro for $25,000. My character had a beanie on and the wrong clothes so I disconnected, when I logged back in I...
  2. Bobo

    Refund Request - Bobby Lee

    Format: In-Game Name: Bobby Lee Steam Name: demoman tf2 SteamID: 76561198042478170 Date and time of loss: 4/5/2020 ~12:30 AM CST What happened: Two guys broke into our base while we were growing weed. We killed them both and continued growing weed for another 20 minutes. After we finished...
  3. Bobo

    Gun Law Suggestion

    The laws in-game dont say they are legal, and the AR-15 has the orange icon like its illegal, so I can only guess that AR-15s are illegal.
  4. Bobo

    Gun Law Suggestion

    Right now, according to the default, unchangeable laws in the Monotablet, all firearms except for semi automatic handguns are illegal. If you want to be a citizen who follows the law, you are limited to handguns for protection, while criminal have automatic rifles they can use to rob people...
  5. Bobo

    bigBobo - Ban Appeal

    The only thing that is close to what you described was about 15 minutes before I left, someone was fleeing the scene of a crime and I chased them with my gun out. He fled around a corner and he pulled a p99 out and told me to put my hands up so I mag dumped him with a vector. He didnt get...
  6. Bobo

    bigBobo - Ban Appeal

    Your Steam Name: bigBobo Your Steam ID: 76561198042478170 Your Character Name: Dominique Malone Ban Length: 2 Days Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Angryhalobird Ban Reason: LTAP and Breaking FearRP Time of Occurrence: 2:20pm (Central standard time) Relevant...