Search results

  1. JohnbaY

    VDM and Mingegrabbing

    Format: In-Game Name: John Bay Steam Name: JohnbaY SteamID: STEAM_0:0:16143666 Date and time of loss: What happened: My buddy and I had wrecked a car and this guy wanted to gun off my buddy so he moved the wrecked car away and proceeded to get out of his car and grab the items, i quickly tried...
  2. JohnbaY

    FearRP Rule Broken Situation

    Your Steam Name: JohnbaY Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:16143666 Your Character Name: John Bay Target Steam Name: YaBoiYevin Target SteamID: STEAM_0:0:146209436 Target Character Name (if known): Harvey Weinstein Request reason: YaBoiYevin broke FearRP while no staff were on. When did the situation...