Search results

  1. daxxtah

    VDM refund request

    Format: In-Game Name: Shlomo Shekelbergstein Steam Name: codeine bryant SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41772530 Date and time of loss: 10/12/2018 around 6 PM CST What happened: Got VDMed clearly on purpose What do you need refunded: 30x foiled dry hash, 1x mac-10, 1x kevlar/helmet Evidence: @kevsonic
  2. daxxtah

    Communist political Party

    In-Game Name: Shlomo Shekelbergstein Steam Name: codeine bryant Player Level: 28 Moms credit card number: 4744 2342 0192 3222 Photo of you bank account : older organizations : None, I've played PERP for 2k hours and just...
  3. daxxtah

    Alec Miller's Item & Weapon Shop

    In-game Name: Shlomo Shekelbergstein Organization: None Items Requested: 2x mp5, 3x lockpick Reason for Purchase: Wall decorations
  4. daxxtah

    Refund Request

    In-Game Name: Shlomo Shekelbergstein Steam Name: codeine bryant SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41772530 Date and time of loss: today around 2:00 am cst What happened: got failrp raided by police What do you need refunded: 13 foiled dry hash, 4 wet hash, 1x pistol ammo Evidence: @Gamz