Search results

  1. Aleks

    1 day ban from Monolith - FearRP

    Steam Name: aleksander60videos Steam ID: Character Name: Hauk Danderdal Ban Length: 1 day Banning Staff Member: @CodeMonkey Ban Reason: I was banned for 1 day for fearRP. Logs show I deleted my makarov - I have no evidence against that. Me and...
  2. Aleks

    Blacklisted 5 days from driving vehicles

    Blacklist Appeal Steam Name: aleksander60videos Steam ID: Character Name: Hauk Danderdal Which Admin blacklisted you: Eldar What were you blacklisted from: Driving vehicles for 5 days Blacklist Reason: Killed three cops in 20 minutes. Time of...
  3. Aleks

    Server Going Offline while growing Weed

    In-Game Name: Hauk Danderland Steam Name: aleksander60videos (current name: Aleks) SteamID: Date and time of loss: * 2:38 AM * Friday, October 12, 2018 (GMT+2) * Time in Norway What happened: Growing weed in my apartment while the server...