Search results

  1. AdamBenke

    Vdm While logging out

    Steam Name: [U:1:259253708] Adam Benke Ban Length:24 Hours Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member):Console Ban Reason: Logging out while dead Unban Reason: I was logging out already when a car came by and vdm'd me. By the time I realized what happened I had already left...
  2. AdamBenke

    Adam Refund Request

    @Gregg @Aaron it adds ups to 20 CB 20 CP and a m1911 where are my values wrong lmao If this is what you meant: 16 Chemical bottles 16 Chemical Powder 4 chemical Powder 4 Chemical Bottles 1 M1911
  3. AdamBenke

    Adam Refund Request

    Steam Name: Adam SteamID:STEAM_0:0:129626854 Character name:Adam Benke Date of Lose:11/26/18 12:20 AM What happened: Got vdm'd by a firetruck What I need refunded: 20 Chemicals bottles, 20 Chemical powders, and a 1911 Proof: @Aaron
  4. AdamBenke

    Server Setback 10/25/18

    Steam Name: Adam SteamID:STEAM_0:0:129626854 Character name:Adam Benke Date Of Lose: October 25 2018 What Happened: Rollback from 1-2 days ago What I need refunded: 38,701 Cash, 2 Regular bags, 1 lockpicks
  5. AdamBenke

    Lastnight Setback

    Steam Name: Adam SteamID:STEAM_0:0:129626854 Character name:Adam Benke Date Of Lose: October 25 2018 What Happened: Rollback from last night What I need refunded: 38,701 Cash, 3 Regular bags, 4 lockpicks
  6. AdamBenke

    Lastnight Setback

    Steam Name: Adam SteamID:STEAM_0:0:129626854 Character name:Adam Benke Date Of Lose: October 25 2018 What Happened: Rollback from last night What I need refunded: 38,701 Cash, 3 Regular bags, 4 lockpicks