Steam Name: dasboi
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from 76561198278686477
Your Character Name: Fred King
Ban Length: 4 days 19 hours
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @gm1003
Ban Reason: Breaking rules w/o staff on, Player dis in OOC
Unban Reason...
Ace in this situation is correct as being the captain at the time and the man who hopped out to check on Mazen we knew once he hit the mines we were going to have a shootout and as I was in critical condition, around me I heard other voices around me talking that were not Mazen thus implying...
In-Game Name: Fred King
Steam Name: dasboi
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:159210374
Date and time of loss: 3/21/20 at about 8' o' clock
What happened: A man fled under fear rp during a prison raid and caused us to loose negotiations
What do you need refunded: BT MP9
Evidence:[/B] @Jimmy_
Sorry for not putting all profiles in SteamID im sorry but these are their in game names, Tyrone Tipp, James Lorenzo, and James Lopez also ask knight of evidence of us doing it wrong
Your Steam Name: dasboi
Your Steam ID:
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Fred King
Admin being reported( Tag by writing @ before their forum name) @Knight
Reason for Report: Stole money from James Lopez after a successful bank raid...
Roleplay name: Fred King
Bank / Levels (screenshot):
How long have you been playing for: 4 or 5 months but not all at once
Why are you applying? Because venom Kicked me out for "Not Being good in combat".
Past Organizations: Venom
Are you willing to do everything you can to help the family at...
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